Chapter 26 - In the dark of night

Start from the beginning

As Sabrina and I turned back, we saw the blonde guy that Isabella was with, drop to the ground with a hard thud. A few moments later the guy with the black hair started to drop as well making her scream out again as she ran to catch him.

We watched curiously as she desperately tried to wake them both up before she cried out and clutched her head, swaying woozily as her face flushed.

"Now!" Sabrina yelled as she took off towards Isabella with me hot on her tail. As we got to her she slumped to the ground beside the black-haired boy and her eyes started to flutter shut.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked fearfully as I bent down next to Isabella. "I don't know and I don't care, just grab her and let's get out of here," she said anxiously in her shrill voice as she kept her eyes on the boys on the ground, glancing up at the backdoor every now and again.

I wrapped my hands under Isabella and brought her into my arms before I turned around and took off toward the forefield. Sabrina came up beside me and slammed her hands against it as she worked to bring the shield down once more. A few minutes later it weakened and cleared, allowing us to pass through.

I tightened my hold on Isabella as we ran through the woods back to the campsite. I didn't want to admit it, not even to myself, but it felt good having her in my arms.

(Yeah, you messed up bozo and now our mate is mated to someone else) Zack growled spiritually, making me stumble in surprise. I haven't heard from Zack since the night I rejected Isabella five years ago.

(I know and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry buddy. I wish I could take it back and make things right but that's impossible) I replied sadly as I quickly gazed down at Isabella. I stared at her for a moment before I felt my resolve Steel.

(She did this to herself. She's gotten into too much trouble for us to do anything, hell she killed rick for goddess sake so I don't want to do anything to help her.) I growled out angrily through the mind link.

(That was self-defense and you know it! plus she is still our mate) he snapped back at me irritated. (NO. She's not. We rejected her and she's mates to two other wolves. She is nothing to us.) I said angrily raising my voice through the link.

(AND WHO'S FAULT IS THAT?) Zack yelled furiously before he cut the link blocking me once more. I huffed and put my head down, getting lost in thought as we made our way back.


As we came into the clearing that the camp was stationed in, everyone there started cheering when they saw me carrying Isabella. I grinned and winked as I passed the girls at the camp on my way to the makeshift prison that we had designed for Isabella.

As I made my way over, Sabrina and Bane followed behind me. We entered the large bunker made out of silver and descended a flight of stairs. As we made it to the bottom, Sabrina moved around me and unlocked the heavy metal door that led to the cell, allowing me to turn sideways and carry Isabella inside.

I sat her down on the metal chair in the middle of the room and went to work restraining her. We know from her encounter with rick that she can break through plain silver, so the restraints we're using now are pure silver, dipped in wolfsbane, and enchanted by Sabrina.

Each silver chain was embedded into the concrete floor below us and connected to a cuff. There were five in total, two for each wrist, two for each ankle, and a collar for around her neck.

I expected her to wake up or react as we put the chains on her, but she remained completely still. As the last cuff was put in place I leaned closer to her, checking for a pulse to make sure she was still alive. It was there but it was faint and slow.

"I think somethings wrong with her" I muttered anxiously as I stepped back and looked towards Sabrina and Bane.

"Well, we all knew that. There has to be something wrong with her for her to have pulled all of the shit she has" Sabrina sneered as she looked towards Isabella in disgust.

"No, not like that!" I snapped back annoyed. "She barely has a pulse, and it's slower than it should be. Listen.." I said as we all got quiet listening intensely for Isabella's heartbeat.

"Hmmm," Bane said after a moment as he looked lost in thought. After a second he slowly stalked over to her and put two fingers on the vein on her neck feeling her pulse.

Suddenly he pulled back and roughly backhanded her, making isabella's head snap to the other side but her eyes never opened or even fluttered. He hit her a few more times but still got no response whatsoever.

Bane went to bring his hand across her face once more when without thinking I lunged forward, grabbing his wrist before his hand could make contact.

"What do you think you're doing" Bane growled angrily as he glared at me."This" I said sharply through ground teeth "obviously isn't working so we either need to wait it out or try something else."

It was silent for a moment before Sabrina spoke up. "He's right bane. There are many experiments I want to do on her as well as the other but injuring her needlessly isn't going to help or accomplish anything" she said calmly as she tried to ease the tension in the room.

Bane glared at me a moment longer before he ripped his wrist from my hand and took a step back. "You lay a hand on me again and you'll lose it" he growled aggressively as he turned around and angrily stomped out of the bunker.

I sighed deeply shaking my head as I brought my hand up to my forehead. What am I doing? I should have no feelings for her, and yet, I keep feeling myself get pulled back into the bond that should no longer exist.

"I don't know what's going on with you Andrew, but you need to get your shit together. There is nothing you can do to help this girl, she is nothing to you other than an ex-mate and the person responsible for countless deaths in your pack and across the country. You'd do well to remember that moving forward." Sabrina said spitefully, narrowing her eyes at me. She started at me for a moment longer before turning around and exiting the bunker. Leaving me and isabella alone, for the first time since I attacked her and she revealed who she was as she rejected me.

I pushed a few wisps of her long brown hair out of her face and sighed to myself. I really did need to get it together and stop letting myself develop feelings for her. Damn this fucking mate bond.

As I thought that, an idea popped into my head of how I could handle this mate bond for good.

(Hey Chris, can you have Shelia Paterson escorted to the camp... Say within the next hour?) I mind-linked my beta excitedly.

(absolutely, consider her own her way) he replied knowingly as a huge grin spread across my face. If I can't stop the pull I'm feeling with Isabella, then I just replace it with a different pull for someone else.

I gazed at Isabella one last time before I nodded my head, grinning as I decided on my choice. With that, I turned off the lights and left isabella chained up in the bunker where she belongs. As I walked out, I made sure to lock all 4 locks on the door to her cell before I slid the door bar into place.

She's not getting away from us so easily this time.

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