Arthit's POV

I woke up with Kong snuggling with me. I guess he must have been really tired.. otherwise he would have woke up by this time. I kept on staring at him. He looks damn cute and adorable. I traced his features with my finger but made sure that I won't disturb him. After sometime I felt him waking up so I immediately closed my eyes to see what he will do. 

I felt him staring at me.. then I felt his breath near my face.. after which I felt his lips on my cheeks. I could stop myself from smiling.
"Mee Noi.. maybe you can kiss on my lips.." I said as I open my eyes. I saw him hiding his face as he began blushing. I chuckled at his expression but pulled him closer. He also place his face on my chest.

"Good Morning P'Oon." He murmured.
"Morning Honey." I replied.. I felt him smile against my chest.
"Maybe you should step up your courting speed so that, you know you can call me all those sweet names freely." He said.
"Why can't I call you now.?" I asked.
"I don't let everyone call me sweet names.. only my lover can call me." He said. "If you want to call me then ask me out soon and also please me." He added and rushed to the bathroom shouting he will freshen up and come. I could only shake my head smiling at his actions.

I texted my friends saying that I was at Kong's dorm. We actually planned to have a meeting today because we need to plan a way to get dean's permission for gear giving ceremony which we are planning to conduct after exams. 

"Kong can I ask my friends to come here.. I want to talk to them for a while." I asked him.
"Khab P.. you can.. if you don't want me here.. I rest for a while at Tew's or Wad's.. their room is just to the side right." He replied. I texted my friends to come here.
"No Kong.. you can be here.. That won't be a problem." I said. 

After that I freshened up... I asked him to rest for a while as I went and bought us breakfast. My friends will take another 45 minutes to come. I took our food and also the drink and went back. I saw Kong was working on something on his laptop. I plated the breakfast and took it to him.

"Up with another project.?" I asked him as I bought the food.
"Hm.. It has already been finalized.. P'Gun wants me to go through them." He said.
"Eat first and then work my dear Mee Noi." I said as I kept his laptop away and gave him food. He smiled widely and asked me to sit near him. 

We both ate while talking about the current project he is reviewing. After that.. We both cleaned the plates.. I went to take bath and he continued his work. I came out saw my friends were already there. We all sat around the table while Kong was on the bed..

"So Arthit.. are you up with some plan to convince the dean.?" Tay asked while sitting. 
"No.. I am not having any good idea." I said.
"All the other things are ready.. our stay.. busses.. food.. gears and every other arrangements." Prem said.
"All we need is the permission now." Bright said. 
"Knot do you have any idea.?" I asked hoping that maybe he has any idea.
"No.. I tried to think.. but nothing seems to workout with Dean.." Knot said.

We kept on thinking and discussing random ideas.. and seeing weather it will be effective or not. We were actually even talking about how to practically beg the dean.. but we did not come up with an idea even after a full hour of discussion.

"Why not add some eco-friendly activity like planting trees along with the ceremony.." Kong said suddenly. We all looked at him.
"Tell in detail na Kong." Tutah said.
"The ceremony will take three days of which first and last day will be in bus. On the second day.. your ceremony is on the evening then why not add some activity which will be useful to the society in the morning session so you can get the permission." Kong said. He still did not lift his head and was reading his report while making some changes. 

"It seems to be a good idea." Tay said.
"Why not we give it a try." Knot added.
"Then let us prepare the report so that we can show him." I said. They all noded.
"Let me get the laptop from Wad." Prem said and went to get the laptop.

"P.. you can use this laptop also.. I will be in done few minutes." Kong said. I went to him and took his laptop.
"What do you want to do now.. if you don't have anything take rest.. don't you dare move around." I warned him. He pouted.
"I want to play a game in my mobile.." He said still pouting.. I ruffled his hair..
"P.. stop.. I combed it just a while ago." He exclaimed while setting his hair.
"Okay.. kiddo. I will set it wait." I said as I set his hair with my fingers.

"Ahem.. we are still here you know." Bright's voice disturbed us. I glared at him while Kong took his phone and started playing the game. I sat down in my place.
"Bright when ever you die it will be me who will be killing you." I warned him while others were chuckling.
"You both actually look cute together." Tay said. The sudden comment made me feel a little shy. I just smiled at them. Soon Prem joined with Wad's laptop.. and we started working on the report. 

It has crossed 12 by the time we were done with the report. I saw Kong fell asleep.
"We will go get the others wake him up and join us in the faculty canteen." Knot said and they left. I went and sat beside him.

"Mee Noi.. wake up.. Let us have lunch." I said slowly so that I won't scare him. He murmured something but went back to sleeping with a pout. I could not help but chuckle. I ran my fingers in his hair and got lost while staring him. My trace broke when my phone rang. It was knot.. I lifted the call.

"Both of you come to the canteen.. we will be there." He said and cut the call when I said okay. I turned towards this kiddo.

"Sweetheart wake up.. our friends are waiting for us at the canteen to have lunch.. you don't want them to starve right.." I said and blew near his ear. He covered his ears and slowly opened his eyes. 
"What time is it P.?" He asked.
"Crossed 12:30 now.. let us go.. wash your face first. They are waiting for us." I said.. He nodded his head and went to wash his face. 

I cleared the table and put his laptop back. He came out fresh and in new pair of dress. He looks cute in this. After that we both made our way to the canteen. There were some 2nd years and 3rd years around who were looking at us curiously. I shrugged it off and Kong did not notice them as he was speaking to his sisters about yesterday's event. 

We reached the canteen and joined our friends. They already ordered for us also. Kong sat between me and Em. We ate while talking about their games.. events.. Then it came to me courting Kong.

"Wait for day after tomorrow to see what I will do." I said. My friends were grinning while Kong and his friends rolled their eyes.
"Don't you feel like the canteen is getting crowded..?" Tew said. We all looked around and yes it was actually crowed like every other day. Above that most of them were looking at our table and to be precise towards Kong.

"Why would it not be when the most popular Campus Moon is here." Knot said.
"Ah..! What do you mean P." Oak asked.
"It is normal for people to come look for the campus moon for few weeks after the competition. And in case of Kong.. he was already popular even before becoming the campus moon.. so he will get a lot of attention like this." Tay explained and everyone nodded.
"Good for you Kong.. if P'Arthit doesn't court you properly.. then chose other person." Em said. I glared at him.
"No Way." I exclaimed. Everyone laughed.
"Then court him properly." Tay said and shrugged his shoulders.

We continued eating while chatting about random things.
"Ah.. Kong.. you all know right there will be flag capturing day." Knot asked suddenly. Shit I forgot to tell him. 
"What is that P'Knot?" He asked. My friends looked at me and cursed me. I just hid my face behind Kong. 

"P'Oon.. what did you forget.?" Kong asked me.
"I forgot to tell you about the day when the flag capturing event is going to be held." I said with a low voice. 
"And what is that day.. what should we do.?" He asked.
"You will have to face a challenge.. which we will give.. and you will have to solve it in order to capture the faculty flag." I said. All the juniors nodded. 

"And when is the event.?" Kong asked. I pray to all the Gods up there so that he won't scold me.
"DayAfterTomorrow." I said in one go. No one understood except my friends and Kong. Kong glared me.
"What did you say P." Kong's friends asked.
"Day After Tomorrow." Kong replied and sighed.
"Tew.. forward the message in the group.. I did not get my phone." He said and Tew forwarded the message. Everyone have received it positively.. They were commenting saying that they are up for the challenge. I sighed in relief. 

"P.. I would have give you an earful if they would have reacted negatively." Kong said. After that we went back to our dorms. Kong kicked me out as a punishment for forgetting and asked me to meet him only at tomorrow lunch.. he even banned calls for a day asking me to study. 

Next day we met at lunch.. I did not give a shit about who was watching and all... I did not leave his side for a second also.. I missed him.. we went to the mall.. roamed for a while.. watched a movie. We called it a day after having dinner. Tomorrow was an important day.. we know that they have learnt about the values from SOTUS.. but tomorrow we want them to know the important thing which is 'SHARING'. All of us slept early because tomorrow was going to be an eventful day. 

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