You're Not a Burglar

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Sorry about the short chapter :/

Silence enveloped us for some time. Half an hour? Maybe an hour?

"You have made me angry." His voice was like a deep, baritone silk.

"Just because I locked the door?!" I was angry now. I pressed my palms against his chest, fighting to be free. I made no progress at all. Well, he growled. Loudly.


"Then don't be unreasonable!"


"Because it's a bathroom!"

A loud growl erupted from him. He shoved me away from him, but not enough force that would push me off the bed. He harshly stood and began pacing quickly, running his hands through his hair and tugging at it.

I grumbled and turned on my side, my back facing him. His pacing suddenly became slower, then speeded up as he walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I sighed and fell asleep slowly.

I awoke a few minutes later by a loud crash from somewhere in the house. I bolted upright in the bed, my heart in my throat.


I gulped.

Slowly, I tiptoed across the floor, making less noise than a cat. I opened the door silently, and before I stepped out of the room, I looked around for a weapon. Nothing. I guess you don't need one when you're a werewolf.

I began tiptoeing down the stairs, looking around for any convenient weapon.

"But, Blade..." an overly high-pitched, attempted-sultry voice said.

"You call me Alpha! Leave!"

I relaxed, knowing he wasn't dead. Just as quickly as that information sunk in, so did the fact that there was a girl. Trying to seduce him. Leaving. Towards. Me.

I cringed and tried to tip-toe run. "Who are you?!" I froze.

I slowly turned to her and gave her an awkward smile. She was a truly beautiful girl. Or, should I say woman? Her breasts were plump and full, her derrière the same. Her waist was slim in comparison, and she had the body of an actual woman. Not of an overly-skinny kid. Also known as me.

Not to mention her beautiful blonde hair that seemed to fall in waves down her body. It was so silky that it accentuated her body's curves even more as it fell around her. Her skin was milky and beautiful, without a single blemish. Her eyes were an enchanting green, bright and sparkling. I spark of jealousy shot through me, wanting to be like her.

"I asked you a fucking question, you whore!" Never mind. "His scent is all over you, human! Ugh! You filthy thing!"

The sound of a deafening roar and a terrifying crack were heard before the woman was slammed into a wall. My eyes were wide, staring at his hand on her throat that kept her hovering above the ground. She gasped for air and clawed at his hand as he stared down at her with a disgusted expression. Blood was trickling from her neck, but I didn't know why. He stood as far as possible from her, and the anger rolling off of him was immense.


His eyes darted to me. The bottomless pit of black lightened to a soft charcoal for a second, before they flashed back and he snapped his attention back to the woman.

Her fruitless attempts to free herself began to slow. "You're killing her!" He didn't listen. He squeezed harder. "Blade!"

He froze.

I froze.

Before I could comprehend, he was in front of me: close enough for our shirts to graze and to feel his body heat, but not enough to feel him.

The woman scrambled from the floor where he dropped her and sprinted away, gasping and holding her throat.


I gave him a questioning look.

"Say it again!" he growled, barely containing an overflowing emotion. I thought he only growled when he was angry. Was he angry with me?

I looked up at him and his eyes looked like space without stars or suns or planets. Just dark emptiness. Except, they were intense. Burning, even.

So, I did the most logical thing I could to avoid death at that very moment.

I ran.

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