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Descending on Siberian soil, Bucky felt chills run down his spine at the sight of the familiar place, and he was sure it wasn't for the cold

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Descending on Siberian soil, Bucky felt chills run down his spine at the sight of the familiar place, and he was sure it wasn't for the cold. From a distance, he was able to distinguish small bodies guarding the place, he wasn't expecting people there; almost sure that the place was left alone after the death of the Winter Soldiers. However Zemo seemed to know that they would have company, because the sound of guns clicking caught his attention, and when he turned around Zemo had his arm out handing it to him with some extra ammunition.

    Sam seemed to notice the criminal's objects and quickly moved towards him with an exasperated face.

"Hey, hey, hey. Where did you get that?"

"C'mon Sam, you don't think someone in my business would go around unarmed. The plane is full of weapons, and even Oeznik has a gun on himself."

With an unsure look on his face, Sam took a step forward and let out a deep breath. "Listen to me, I don't trust you, you are here because Bucky said you would help, and that's exactly what you are gonna do. If I see you do the slightest move to help HYDRA or try to escape, you'll be back in that cell in seconds."

"Yes, yes, I know better than that. Plus, remember that right now we have the same goal. Now, here's the plan. We need to get past all the guards and go to the basement. From the entrance we give five rights, a left, and two rights; there we will find a dead end. Little secret, it isn't. We tap the middle brick two times and a door will open, we go down the stairs and there will be the girl."

Grunting, Bucky looked to the compound and then back at Zemo. "Ok, we can work with that. We go directly to the place. Take this place down for good.

They started walking towards the place, but before they could reach the place where they could be seen, Zemo stopped and turned to them.

"Before we do this. Just a little recommendation. Remember that I told you something in the lines of blood thirst? Before you go down there, bring at least one other man with you. You really don't want to be her next meal, and I can assure you that she will be very hungry."

Nodding, they continued walking. Sam couldn't believe he was working with a man like Zemo, but he knew he couldn't back out now. The three men gave each other looks before starting to take down the HYDRA agents with hand to hand combat. It was quick and sufficient, and before they knew it, they were walking inside taking down even more men. They found themselves crossing five times to the right, one to the left and right two more times; taking out any men that were on their way, grabbing the last ones to come near them at the entrance with them. Bucky moved ahead, in front of Sam, and clicked his gun once more before tapping the wall at the end of the corridor twice. Just as Zemo had mentioned, a small door seemed to appear as what was thought to be a wall moved forward and formed as an entrance. 

Sam and Bucky slowly moved down the new found stairs and took long, careful strides that resonated through the hollow space, as well as the sound of the bodies they brought skimming the ground. As they kept walking forward, their eyes got caught in the cryo-freeze machine, where the body of a young woman could barely be seen because of the gas that surrounded her.

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