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The year was 1942. Pandora Lucille Holmes was walking home from the small bakery three blocks away from her home, having made a small trip to get some ingredients for supper. The twenty-one year old was in charge of cooking a special dinner for her parents and older brother as a 'goodbye dinner' for the latter. Elijah had arrived that morning announcing he had been drafted and had two days to arrange everything and say his goodbyes before leaving directly to fight the nazis. No doubt, the news had been a surprise to the remaining of the small family, but sadly not unexpected. They knew it was going to happen sooner or later; and they just preferred to believe it would be forever later.

    Being stuck in her thoughts, the short girl didn't see the two men walking her way until they were incredibly close. She was quick to move, but not fast enough to avoid crashing into one of the man's chest.

    "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there" She said as she looked up to the man she had crashed into. He was definitely handsome, with beautiful blue eyes and brown hair. The other man was noticeably smaller and shorter, he had blue eyes and blond hair.

    "Oh! doll I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. This punk over here was bothering me." The man answered with a teasing tone. To which the small man responded mumbling a "jerk".

    "It 's fine. I should get going. I'm sorry again!" and before any of the men could say anything, she was already walking away.

    Pandora didn't understand why she was feeling so nervous. She was never like this. She believed men were stupid and just wanted to get under her skirt. Her brother always told her that those ideals were the reason why she wasn't married yet.

    The short and skinny girl quickly crossed the street and shuffled with her spare keys to open the door. As soon as she set a foot inside of the house she could hear her mother sobbing in her room upstairs. You could say the poor mother didn't take it well. She had been crying since the news were first announced that morning, and now it was nearly 4 in the afternoon. Pandora questioned how the older woman still had tears to cry with.

    Furthermore, after hearing her mother's wails she decided to go directly to the kitchen and begin cooking. She favored the idea of not being used as a cloth for her mothers cries. It was not that she found it disgusting or annoying. She was just scared that if she saw her mother like that, she would fall on her knees and start crying herself. 

    An hour and a half passed, and the dinner was finally ready. She took her apron off and called her family downstairs. Slowly but surely, her mother came down the stairs with red puffy eyes, followed by her father and Elijah.

     "Hey kiddo, where have you been all day? I have barely seen you." Said the latter, while their parents got comfortable on the table.

"I've been home all day. Except for when I went to the bakery to get some stuff for dessert. I made brownies, your favorites." followed by  "You would have known if you weren't with Susan all day, oldie."

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