Chapter 30 - In Motion

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Levi woke up the next morning to find Anya nestled close against him, sleeping as though she didn't have a care in the world. They'd both needed one another following yesterday's horrific revelation and so, despite the small bed, he'd stayed the night. To his relief, she didn't appear to have suffered from any nightmares. He moved a strand of pale hair from where it lay across her dark eyelashes and studied her a while. Her skin was no longer scalded pink, and it was clear that her concussion was long gone. However, he was concerned about her ribs. Damaged ribs could take up to six weeks to heal, and they simply didn't have that time. Anya had a high pain tolerance, but if anything, that made him worry more. Even if she was in agony, she'd often push herself to breaking point rather than letting it hold her back, doing far more damage in the meantime. She sighed contentedly, and he almost decided to let her sleep. However, in half an hour they had a meeting with Erwin about their squad, whom they then had to go and see before moving to their new base later on. It was going to be a long day. He shifted his position and leaned down, brushing his lips against her forehead. He was greeted by two impossibly blue eyes and a smile that could stop his heart.
"Is it time already?" she murmured.
She slowly rolled onto her back and yawned, covering her mouth as she did so.
"I suppose we'd better move, then."
She sat up and gingerly prodded at her ribs.
"If you keep doing that, they'll never heal," he warned, getting out of bed.
"Remind me to get some more painkillers later."
"They really bad?"
"I've definitely experienced worse, but yeah, they hurt as much as fractured ribs usually do. Lucky it was just one side."
"Ever the optimist," he said dryly.
They got ready and then went straight next door to see Erwin. Not long after, Hange arrived. She had once again brought food with her, and Anya's face lit up as she set it down on the table.
"Ah, what would I do without you?" Anya exclaimed, grabbing a pastry.
"Starve," Hange replied, winking.
From where he sat near the window, Levi sipped from a cup of tea and waited for Erwin to get on with it. He was looking better by the day, though Levi noticed that he still hadn't shaved. He supposed it was going to take him a while to get used to doing everything with his left hand.
"Hange," he said, finally starting the meeting. "Anvi Squad will move to the cabin today. The primary aim is to keep Eren and Historia safe. However, from tomorrow, you'll work with Anvi Squad to establish whether or not Eren has the ability to seal the hole in Wall Maria. Now more than ever, we need to get to the basement in Eren's old house and discover what truths lay there."
"Definitely!" Hange replied.
She had that crazy look about her, the one she always got when thinking about experiments, and Levi suppressed a sigh. He hoped that Moblit would keep her in check.
"We should relocate when it's dark," Anya said, swallowing a mouthful of pastry. "It's the best time to avoid being followed."
"I agree," Erwin replied.
"Anya needs more rest," he said, placing his cup down and deliberately avoiding eye contact with her. After having seen how slowly she moved whilst getting ready, he'd silently decided that she should remain in Trost for a few more days. As Erwin was about to speak, she cut in.
"Anya can decide that for herself."
He dared look at her and, as predicted, found her to be glowering at him.
"You've had just under two weeks for your ribs to heal. Minimum time is usually 3. You don't even know if you can ride a horse at the moment."
"I can!"
He looked to Erwin for backup, though he had a suspicion that for whatever reason, he was once again going to let her do what she wanted.
"If riding is too much, you'll have to remain in Trost," he said. "You can still be useful from here. However, if whoever tried to kill you recently is still after you, they'll know precisely where you are right now. Going to the cabin might be the better option."
Anya nodded, her expression sullen. Levi wondered if, amongst all of the chaos of recent events, she'd forgotten about the attempt on her life.
"In the meantime, I'll stay here and see what I can find out," Erwin continued. "There are bound to be forces moving against us, now that we know about Reiner and Bertholdt. Hopefully no-one realises that we know Historia's true identity."
"What I want to know is why Ymir went with those two," said Anya, a crease forming between her brows. "Obviously I haven't been back long but from what I saw, she seemed stuck to Historia like glue. She risked her life to save her, and yet she seemed to go willingly with Reiner and Bertholdt."
"More secrets to unearth," Hange said darkly.
"When I get a moment, I'll see if Historia has any way of explaining it. What happened to Pastor Nick, by the way?" Anya asked.
"I've had him placed here in Trost with us," Hange replied. "He's under a false identity, just as a precaution."
"I suppose he still hasn't said anything of use."
"No, nothing."
"Idiot," she muttered.
They discussed a few more details and then left Erwin to prepare for his next meeting.
"Be careful," Levi heard him tell Anya.
"You, too," she said.
She caught up to Levi in the corridor and they made their way down to the stables. They were going to have to ride to the old Scout HQ to debrief their squad, and he could tell that Anya was apprehensive.
"Hey," he said, pausing at the entrance to the building. "If riding hurts too much, we can go in a carriage."
"And alert everyone to what we're up to? No; it's better to make the journey on horseback."
He gave her a hard look. She was right, but it was going to be tough going. When Anya reached up to take the saddle that she used for Nightmare, he gently lowered her arm.
"I'll do it."
To his surprise she didn't argue, and instead went to go and fit the reins on both his horse and her own. When it was time to mount, she shut her eyes for a long moment, as though steeling herself.
"Need help?"
She shook her head and opened her eyes again, taking as deep a breath as she could manage. She placed a booted foot into the right stirrup, then hauled herself up, swinging her left leg over as quickly as possible. The manoeuvre was clumsy and awkward, but she had done it. He looked up at her, noting the grimace on her flushed face.
"How was that?"
"Not fun," she said bluntly.
He smacked his lips and mounted his own horse, careful not to put weight on his injured leg.
"We won't be able to trot," she told him. "I can feel it already. Walking or cantering only."
He heard the frustration and pain in her voice and almost ordered her to stay behind, but time was of the essence and he knew she'd only argue.
"All right. Let's go."



The ride to the castle had been excruciating, but Anya was determined not to fail herself, nor anyone else, at such a critical moment. However, she knew that Levi was going to say something to her once they were alone again. He'd practically radiated displeasure throughout the entire journey, repeatedly shooting her sideways glances and hardly speaking at all, his lips pressed tight together. They walked into the dining hall to find that their new squad was already waiting, having been directed ahead of time by Nifa. Anya surveyed them all. Eren was tired but nevertheless full of determination, Mikasa a powerful, constant presence by his side. Armin stood with them, and not too far from him was Historia. She seemed quieter and colder than her normal self, but Anya supposed that it was to be expected now that her secret was out and Ymir had left. Conny still held a haunted look in his citrine eyes, and Sasha simply looked...hungry. Completing the squad was Jean, whom she still needed to thank for catching her as she'd fallen from a Titan during the attack. The recruits were lined up along the wall, much like they had been the first time she'd met them, and she smiled.
"I'm glad to see everyone. I was impressed with the way you all acted during the recent Titan invasion. You should be proud of yourselves."
She paused, letting them enjoy the praise.
"However, our work's far from finished. In fact, you might say that this is where it starts to get...challenging."
Levi stood beside her with his arms folded, his expression grim. They'd agreed that she do the majority of the talking. After having been through so much, the recruits needed a somewhat gentler approach.
"You're here right now because, as you know, Captain Levi and I are forming a new squad, and you're in it. Squad Anvi, if you will. We feel that things are going to become increasingly dangerous for the Scout Regiment, and for Eren and Historia in particular. As strange as it sounds, Titans are now no longer our only concern or enemy. Our squad's primary purpose is to keep Eren and Historia safe while figuring out a way to seal the hole in Wall Maria, which we think Eren in his Titan form may be able to do. Before we attempt that, though, we'll need to do some experiments to make sure we don't go all that way for nothing. We don't have a lot of time and so later today, we're going to our new base. It's a remote cabin in the countryside of Wall Rose."
Levi took over.
"It goes without saying that you keep this information to yourselves," he said. "We don't know how long we'll be able to stay there; if anyone does try to capture Eren and Historia, we'll need to move, and quickly. Like I told you before, you should only bring essentials. We leave at 10 tonight."
"We'll meet here in this room and then set off all together. Do not wear your uniform. Any questions?" Anya asked.
Sasha tentatively raised her hand.
"Where will we get our food from?"
Levi glared, and Anya hid a smile.
"Tch. Any sensible questions?" he asked.
"Who's after us?" Jean asked.
"We don't know yet; not for sure," said Anya. "But it's better to be safe than sorry. Forces beyond our control are bound to be in motion now. Anything else?"
When no one said anything, she nodded.
"All right. If you have any concerns or worries, come and find one of us. Dismissed."
The recruits saluted and left, and Anya turned to Levi.
"I think that went well, don't you?" she asked.
She sighed.
"Spit it out."
"You already know. We should have taken a carriage. Better still, you shouldn't be coming with us."
"I made it, didn't I?"
"Yeah, but at what cost? If you're not careful, your recovery time is going to be twice as long."
Anya knew that he was right, and she knew that she would be telling him the same thing. She yawned, purposefully ignoring his remark.
"I'm going to have a nap, unless you need me for anything?"
"It's fine. Go and rest, Anya."
"What will you do?"
"Make more arrangements for later and keep an eye on the brats."
"Hmm. Have fun."
She walked away without a backwards glance, going straight upstairs to her room. Ordinarily, she would never have dreamt of napping before such an important task, but she could barely keep her eyes open. It was going to be a while before she was back to normal. She just hoped that there was still a 'normal' to go back to.

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