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Harry woke before the sun most days so on this particular morning there was no doubt in his mind that it was just after sunrise. The predawn light snuck in through their balcony doors, painting orange streaks against the floor. Harry wondered, as he had everyday since Louis returned to him, if this was too good to be real.

The weight on his chest told him it had to be, almost two weeks since the kidnapping, Jo has taken to sleeping with the trio every night. Every parent blog said not to allow it but who were they kidding, everyone was as sucker for Jo. Her big green eyes and soft pout, not to mention the way her mumma bit his lip and looked away too afraid to beg for permission too. It was too much for even the strongest alpha to fight so he allowed his daughter and his omega, every trespass.

The alpha basked in the memory of the warmth across Louis' cheek when he woke to find Jo and the twins all cuddled together after his ordeal. The way his blue eyes glittered in post drop haze, the way his shy smile crawled across his lips. Harry's daydreams often wondered to a world where he could trap Louis in a little cottage somewhere isolated and safe, fill him with pups and good food. Take away all his worries until all that was left were his alphas and all their perfect little green-eyed, dimpled children.

Speaking of their children, his daughter who according to his alarm clock had to be up for school in a few minutes, began to snuggle more against his chest. She knew it was almost time to wake but he'd wait. She was growing and needed all the sleep she could get, that's what Bobby said every morning he saw her before seven anyways.

The alpha rolls his eyes at the thought of his uncle, now that Bobby Horan got little Jo within his sights, he's been asking the chef to prepare brain food like salmon and avocados. He still told Lou she was a perfect princess, but you could see the way he looked at Jo was so different. Harry chalked it up to sexism and was grateful he and his wife didn't live here permanently anymore.

His wife who still glared at Harry, but not Edward, even though Louis was back in her life. The pair spent most of the past two weeks catching up, the omega even cried when he realized she was there. It never occurred to him to ask after her, his insecurity made him think she didn't care. Either way the two weeks following the kidnapping were chaotic, to say the least, and they hadn't even caught the person responsible yet. Edward searched though, he was like a dog with a bone, making secret phone calls constantly and disappearing for hours at a time.

He wasn't too worried about his brother though, because every night he returned home, some nights later than others. He'd climb into bed with Harry, Louis, and Jo kiss them each on the cheek good night  and hold whoever was closest. Seeing his brother, Louis, and their kid all snuggled like an old-fashioned pack family really did it for him.

On this particular morning a scent hung thick in the air, something Harry knew but couldn't place. His mind lazily ran through every option, thinking briefly that someone may have even been in this room. Someone with a scent so mouthwatering, the alpha could barely think. But no one had a scent that could do that to him, well, no one but Louis.

Louis who presently had his back pressed firm against Harry's side, his face dug into Edward's shoulder. Louis who cuddled closer to his brother and sent a new wave of that scent his way. His mind short circuiting before clicking into place, Louis was in pre heat. Without a doubt it was a shock he hadn't already started the way his scent saturated the room.

So, Harry gently shook awake his little girl, "Baby, it's time to get up!"

"No!" Jo shook her head, "Sleep more, daddy."

"Nope, time to get up." Harry repeated, lifting her from the bed and walking her towards the door, "Go get your uniform on and we'll have some breakfast, ok?" The little girl nodded once before stumbling her way down the hall to her own room.

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