Mine (Leigh)

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You sat at your kitchen table with both your and Leigh's math books open. "And that's how you find x, " you said after showing Leigh-Anne how to solve the problem.

"It doesn't matter how many times you show me Y/N. I don't get it, " Leigh whined from her chair next to you.

"Come on, Lee-Lee. It's easy."

"I don't get it. I'm not a nerd like you, Y/N."

"Hey, " you said in fake offense. "I'm your nerd, and you love me."

Leigh-Anne rolled her eyes but smiled anyway. "Unfortunately, " she said with a giggle.


"Alright, what color do you want for your cast Y/N, " the doctor asked you as you sat in the emergency room. You broke your arm and now needed to wear a cast for the next six weeks.

"Yellow, " you told the doctor, who nodded before leaving to get what he needed to wrap your arm.

"Ow, " you said when you felt a slap on the back of your head. You turned to look at Leigh, giving you an angry and slightly disappointed face.

"I told you not to jump, but you just had to do it, didn't you. Now I had to be the one to drive your stupid self to the emergency room, " Leigh-Anne said, sounding frustrated. "I swear you're an idiot sometimes, Y/N."

"Yeah, but I'm your idiot and you love me, " you said with a cheeky smile which was wiped away with another slap to the back of your head from Leigh-Anne.

"I question my love sometimes, " she said with an eye roll.


"And dinner is served, " you said, setting a plate of food in front of Leigh for your date.

You watched as Leigh-Anne took a bite of food and hum in satisfaction.

"Have you ever cooked for anyone before?"

"Nope. I only cook for you. I'm your chef and your chef only, " you said seriously while looking Leigh in the eye.

"And I love you for it, " Leigh-Anne said before leaning over the table and placing a kiss on your lips.


"Do you Y/N take Leigh-Anne to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"And do you Leigh-Anne take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss your bride."

You wasted no time closing the gap between you and Leigh-Anne. The two of you kissed while your family and friends cheered. When you both pulled back, you rested your head on hers.

"You're my wife now," you whispered.

Leigh-Anne smiled and pecked your lips again. "And you're mine."

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