Jealous (Leigh)

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"Babe, I'm home, " you shout after locking the door behind you.

You frown when you don't get an answer back and head towards the living room. There you find Leigh on the couch with a magazine open.

"Hey, babe. What's that?" you ask pointing to the magazine in her lap.

"Why are you always hanging out with Jesy?" The anger in her voice stuns you and makes you take a step back.

"Leigh, what are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about? This is what I'm talking about, " she yells as she throws the magazine at you.

You flip to the page she had open and see multiple pictures of you and Jesy from different days.

"What do you want me to do with this?"

"I don't know. Admit that you like being with her more than me."


"You're always with her. Even when we're all together, I see you two having those private conversations. Just admit it."

"There's nothing to admit, Leigh, " you yell back at her. "You know I would never do that to you and you know Jesy would never do that either. She's like a sister to both of us."

"Then why are you two so close and always having those private conversations?"

"Because she understands certain things better. We've had similar experiences so we can relate with each other. There's things that I tell her that you wouldn't understand."

"But I'm your girlfriend. I should be the one you run to when you need help or want to talk. Not Jesy."

"Leigh, I love you but I can't tell you everything. I need to be able to go to other people. You aren't the only voice of reason in my life, " you say, trying to get her to see your point of view.

"Why won't you just admit that she's better. I knew I shouldn't have let you meet them, " she mutters the last part under her breath, thinking I didn't hear her.

"Excuse me! What do you mean 'let me'?" you yell, getting even more upset. "I'm not your little lap dog that needs your permission. I'm leaving."

You turned around to walk back towards the door, not bothering to pack a bag. You grabbed your keys and purse before reaching for the door.

"Y/N wait. Please, you can't leave me, " Leigh-Anne says after realizing that you're serious.

"Watch me, " you say, turning around to look her in the eye. You walked out slamming the door behind you.

You wiped the tears in your eyes to keep them from falling and then started your car and drove off.

There will be a part 2 coming out.

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