Chapter 7

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Sarah's POV

I woke up, feeling peaceful, until I realise how cold I was. I must have fallen asleep in the bath. I shiver and was about to get up when I hear a sigh. I freeze, becoming very aware of the body I'm pressed against, the body I had managed to ignore in my cold-numbed state. I try to squirm out of Jareth's embrace, but he sort of growled and tightened his arms, making it a bit harder to breathe. I grabbed his wrist and pressed my fingers into what would be, on a human, a nerve. His hand releases with a hiss of pain and I slip away, escaping to the main room. I throw on the clothes the goblins had left me and flee the room.


Jareth's POV

I sigh, I can't do anything right. I jump out of the tub and magically dress myself. I give chase, even though I could just teleport to her, it looks like I've tried if I run. I give chase down the corridors, out the gates, through the goblin city, and into the Labyrinth. I stop her before she gets too far, and I lead her to a herb garden. The smell of herbs assault me and I turn to Sarah, an apology ready on my lips. I'm cut short by her appearance. Her hair, wild as a Fae's from running, frames her face. All thoughts leave me as I walk towards her. I lift her chin before leaning down and kissing her lightly.

"I'm sorry, " I mumble," I'm sorry about pushing you to far, and taking you here, and making the Labyrinth so hard, and, and-" my voice cracks before I whisper, "loving you."

I take a step back and square my shoulders, expecting her to snap at me. I flinch as her hand approaches my face before holding still to receive whatever she was going to do. To my surprise she caressed my cheek.

"I guess I've got to stop running away from my feelings, " she whispered.

Sarah's POV

I look up into his mismatched eyes and smile.

" Jareth, I love you"

His eyes widen in disbelief.

"I, I thought you hated me."

My smile shrinks a bit, "I'm sorry, I respond to things I fear with anger, and I fear letting myself love, just in case I get hurt," I sigh, "You had been the first person to kiss me, ever."

I see him do a double take at that, his arms at his sides, limply. I walk forward and embrace him, breathing in his exotic scent. He crushes me against him, and our lips meet, the kiss quickly deepening and becoming more passionate. We break off and sit on the grass, watching the sun go down in each other's arms.

I got bored so I wrote. Nuff said

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