He didn't say anything, even though it looked like he wanted to. Greyson was always concerned with words. They were everything to him and sometimes I was jealous of the way he could create art from thin air; just using the words that everyone else took for granted. Sometimes though that concern and love stopped him from expressing his own feelings.

He was great at telling other people stories. Not so great at telling his own.

"I think we need to talk. The four of us". I could tell he meant about Lark.

Aidan and I ventured to the living room, sitting in the chairs opposite the sectional. We all waited for Greyson to speak again, our attention solely on him. He looked nervous.

"Last night at the poetry reading she asked me to read something of mine and I wasn't prepared to do that. The only one I could think to perform was a new one I had been working on," he rushed out. "It was about her. The whole time I was speaking she had her eyes locked on me and I knew, I knew she could tell it was about her".

He fidgeted in his seat, raking his hand through his hair as he continued to speak. "She asked me to go outside with her and she- she told me she loved me".

My eyes immediately went to Aidan's as I knew he would be easier to read than Colt. He looked shocked but there was something else. "What did you say back to her?". Aidan leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees as we waited for Grey's response.

"I wasn't going to lie to her. I told her the truth, that I loved her too".

"So that's it then. She chose you". Colt spoke harshly, but we all heard the hurt he tried to hide. I hadn't told the other two about my kiss with her and the words we shared on our date last weekend. I didn't want to tell them until she did and I had the sense that even though she told me she loved me, she wouldn't ever kiss me again.

But if she kissed Greyson... there may still be hope for us yet. "No. I don't think she chose him Colt", I said.

"Did you miss the part where she told him she loved him, Luka? Because I sure as fuck didn't". He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back slightly.

"I did hear that," I countered gently. "But I also know that she told me she loved me too. We also kissed".

I saw Aidan whip around in his seat to face me. "When the fuck did this happen?". I realized that something else behind his previous expression had been jealousy.

"It happened last weekend, but I didn't want to say anything since I knew she was conflicted about what she was feeling".

Colt cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean conflicted?".

Greyson cleared his throat and the three of us returned our attention to him. "That's why I thought we should talk. I sort of... told her that we all love her. And before you yell at me or try to deny it, you should know that she admitted to loving all of us too".

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