TfA Ratch and Arcee get stuck

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TfA Ratch: *making beds* There we go baby, spot for me, and a spot for you.

TfA Arcee: *goes on his spot*

TfA Ratch: *holding his teddy bear and turns around* Woah woah, Arcee, that's my spot.

Ratch: *points to the less comfortable spot* Your spot is here

Arcee: But...this spot is more comfortable..

Ratch: Yeah, that's why it's my spot.

Arcee: *smiles* Please?

Ratchet: Alright alright. *sits next to her* How can I resist those big green eyes?

Ratch: *looks closer* Wait, what happened to your big green eyes?

Arcee: *giggles* I put them 8n my little black purse.

Ratch: Oh! You wear contacts.

Arcee: Is that okay?

Ratch: Pfft, yeah. I mean...I love you for what's on the inside.

Arcee: Aww, I love you cause you're so wonderful.

Both: *kiss*

Ratchet: *stops and pulls off her fake extra hair* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Ratch: *Yeets the hair*

Arcee: Ratchet be careful that's real hair!

Ratch: Then why isn't it growing out of your scalp?!

Arcee: I just wanted to look extra special for you tonight.

Ratchet: You do baby *looks behind to where the fake hair was* You always do...

Ratch: I mean...look, not that it matters, well it does but he look, I'm sorry I threw your hair.

Arcee: *turns around*

Ratch: *gives it to her*

Arcee: I forgive, where were we?

Ratch: *kisses her* 

The ground starts shaking

Ratchet: *pushes her and goes under a table*

Arcee: Baby it's just an aftershock!

Ratchet: Pfft, aftershock? Baby, I'm from Philly aftershock is not in my vocabulary! *something* cheesesteak, that's all I know.

Arcee: It's nothing now would you come back over here?

Ratchet: Mm-mm!

Arcee: Why not?

Ratchet: 'Cause every time I come near you the ground starts moving!

Ratch: I just want to go back to Philly where the ground stays still and the people move.


Ratchet: *on a tricycle wearing Arcee's fake hair*

Ratchet: *singing* I'm stuck in a basement on a tricycle girl getting on my nerves.

Ratchet: Going out of my mind thought she was fine, don't know if her body is hers.

Arcee: *sitting on the small fridge* I'm hungry. Don't you have anymore of those breath mints?

Ratch: *taking the fake hair off* No. You ate them all without offering me one. You can't have my toothpick either.

Arcee: Did I ask you? *sits in couch*

Ratch: Look, baby, why don't you look in the freezer and see if somethin' in there.

Arcee: Could you look?

Ratch: *takes toothpick out of mouth* Why don't you look?!

Arcee: I thought you liked doing things for me.

Ratch: Yes I did until you ate all of my breath mints!

Arcee: Forget it, I don't need you to help me.

Arcee: *opens freezer*

Arcee: *grabs something and tries to open it*

Arcee: *gives it Ratch* Could you open this?

Ratch: Thought you ain't need my to do nothing for you. *takes it*

Arcee: Just, open it!

Ratch: *angrily* What's the magic word?

Arcee: Now!


Ratch: *makes a incorrect buzzer sound* Guess again!

Ratch: *tries to open it and can't*

Ratch: Yo look, I can't open this *gives it back*

Arcee: I thought you were supposed to be the big strong man.

Ratch: Look, you're the one that's hungry use your finger nails.

Arcee: You know what *taking off her fake finger nails*

Arcee: Here, here, here, here, here! *puts them in his hand*

Arcee: Knock yourself out!

Ratch: *makes a disgusted face and makes a noise of disgust*

Ratch: *drops them on floor*

Ratch: *gets up* Look, Arcee, for the last three hours, you have took out, your eye balls, your finger nails, your eyelids, and your hair. What else on your body can I get at the mall?

Arcee: You are so rude!

Ratch: Me?! I've been bending on my back trying to make you happy! You're the one who started tripping!

Ratch: Ate all my breath mints!

Arcee: You mention those breath mints I'm going scream!

Ratch: *gets off of tricycle and gets close to her ear*

Ratch: Breath mints, breath mints, breath mints, BREATH MINTS, BREATH MINTS!

Ratch and Arcee: *continue fighting until they are saved*


Also, I don't ship Arcee and Ratchet, I just wanted to make this.

Bye again!

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