Optimus and Ratchet as a flight attendants plus me

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Here we go!

Random Karen: Excuse me, may I have a coffee?

Ratchet: *smiling as best as he could* Of course! Cream and sugar?

Random Karen: Just sugar please.

Ratchet: *nods and leaves*


Ratchet: Here's your coffee and some sugar.

Random Karen: No sugar, I need sweete n low.

Ratchet: *still smiling* I'm sorry, I'll get your sweet n low right away.


Ratchet: *gives the sweet n low* Here's your sweet n low-

Random Karen: I need two packets.

Random Karen: *under breath* My coffee is going to get cold....

Ratchet: *smiling still but a little pissed* Oh, I'll get that for you right away.


Ratchet: Here is another pack for you.

The Karen: Where's my stir stick?

Ratchet: *confused face* I gave you one earlier...

Karen: I dropped it last time when you brought the wrong sugar, PAY ATTENTION!

Ratchet: *smiling* 💢 I'll bring that right away.

Karen: *drinks it*

Karen: *spits it out* Its cold now, bring me another one.

Ratchet: *smiling and walks to the plane door*

Ratchet: *jumps out*

Optimus: *runs and grabs him*

Me and the other staff: Oh God...


Optimus: I'm sorry, we're all out of chicken...

Karen: *smacks him*

Optimus and Ratchet: :o

Ratchet: *takes out wrench* 🔧


Karen: What are you gonna do?

Optimus: *smacks her back*

Ratchet: :o

Ratchet: >:)

Optimus: *smiles and acts like nothing happened* Tell me if you need anything.


Friend: I would like to become a flight attendant.

Ratchet: *smiles* Aww

Karen: Ew, why? They're just servants in the sky who give peanuts *raises peanuts*

Friend: :/

Friend: *eats peanut and starts choking*


Ratchet: You called miss?

Karen: MY FRIEND NEEDS HELP! Please do something!


Ratchet: *still smiling* Peanuts?


Optimus and Ratchet: Hi welcome

Me: *gasps and waves at a little girl* Hi

Girl: *smiles* Mommy, mommy! Look, a flight attendant!

Karen: Yes I know sweetheart, that's you need to study at school, so you don't end up like that.

Me, Ratch, and Op: *smiles*

Op: She's right...

Ratchet: Make sure you need to study hard...

Me: So you don't fly economy like your mom.


Staff: Can I check your bag?

Ratchet: *starts sweating* Oh...are you sure?

Staff: *looking through and takes out something*


Staff: WHAT IS THIS?! *holding up Sex and The City*

Ratchet: That's my favorite show...


Ratchet: No no! It's not what you think!

Staff: I need to report this!

Ratchet: Slag...

Security: What is going on in here?

Staff: He is trying to bring pornagraphic material into our country!

Security: *looks at the box* Sex And The City?


Security: Samantha's my favorite.

Security: He's good to go

Ratchet: *smiles and gasps* :D


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