All the Ratchet's spend a day together

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Tfp Ratchet: *wakes up in another room*

Tfa Ratch: he woke up finally

Bayverse Ratchet: morning!

Tfp Ratchet: *screams*

Tfa Ratch: I told you he would act like this!

Bayverse Ratchet: ah...

WFC Ratch: *listening to music* hm? Oh, he finally woke up...

Tfp Ratchet: what's going on? Has Sam kidnapped us again?

Tfa: again?

Tfp: nothing...

Me: well...this is not kidnapping but more like we transported you lot here.

Sam Sam: when have ypu said "you lot"?

Me: never, I just felt like it..

MTMTE: how long are we stuck here for?

Me: a whole day!

Tfp Ratch: huh..?

Me: yeah, a whole day!

G1 Ratch: hm, a whole day huh? This will be fun!


Bayverse Ratch: this might be a fun experiment!

Me: hehehe, I knew you guys would have fun! Also, later I'll have all your boyfriends here

All: okay...


Bayverse Ratch: *reading*

WFC Ratch: *listening to music and reading*

The rest are fighting for the last Red Velvet cake.

G1: *watching while eating the last cake*

Tfa: hm?

Tfp: you..

G1: what?

They all attack him


G1 is now scared of them and is now sitting on a bookshelf

Bayverse: how did he get up there?

Tfa: *shrugs*

WFC: you guys really did a scare on him

MTMTE: yeah...sorry...

G1: *shaking and has a high pitched voice from the fear* i-it's f-fine...


Tfp: what is G1 doing in the bathroom that he's taking so long?!

Tfa: I don't wanna know

G1: *is asleep*

Tfp: *knocks* G1!

G1: *wakes up*

Tfp: is everything okay?

G1: um...yes...getting out now! *gets up*

He gets out after washing hands.

Tfp: what took so long?

G1: diarrhea...!

Tfp: o-okay....

Tfa: okay?

G1: yeah! Great..!

Tfa: okay

They use the bathroom after each other.

Tfp: *asleep next to Tfa*

Tfa: *sleeping next to Tfp*

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