Proposal On The SMP

Start from the beginning

He shuffled back a little as George opened the one labeled in a different language. It bubbled, and George quickly tossed it from hand to hand to keep it from burning him. "I have to put that down my throat?" Dream squeaked, causing George to giggle. He opened his mouth to reply, but George shoved the drink down his throat.

It burned. It was like swallowing lava, which he actually knew about from expirience.

He finally managed to swallow, and was again going to start yelling at George, but then the brunet shoved the healing one down his throat as well. It calmed his throat, although it left him limp for some reason. He flopped onto the carpet, unable to move.

"You can't move cause' of the reaction, hon," George explained, readying the last potion. Dream wanted to say something, but remained silent. His lover gently poured the last liquid down his throat, and a few moments later he was able to move.

Letting out a groan, Dream sat up. He felt tired, like every single one of his limbs was going to turn to jelly at any moment. But the burns on his arms, legs, and face were gone. The bruises and scars had disappeared, other than one or two on his face.

George moved to his lap, curling up and wrapping his arms around Dream's chest. Any scrap of anger at the smaller male disappeared, and Dream gently wrapped his arms around George's waist.

"I love you, George."

"I love you too."

~End Of Flashback~ (no, this is not spongebob, i just suck at using italics)

"George, huh?" Niki muttered, sounding slightly surprised. George was often considered one of the nicest people on the server, so it was a slight surprise that he would possibly marry Dream.

Dream gave a gulp. "Yeah."

Niki paused, then made her way to the back room. "I've got just the thing!" she hollered, leaving Dream to do his own thing.

The jingle of the door opening made him jump. "Woah, sorry, didn't mean to scare you!"

Dream pressed a finger to his temple. "Hey, Sap."

The ravenette grinned, walking over to where his best friend was standing. "Buying something for George, huh?"

"Shut up."

Sapnap gave a light chuckle. "I'm getting actual rings for Karl and Quackity. We've been using these little knit vine things for way to long." He combed the more simple wedding bands, eventually setting on three gold ones. "I wonder if I can get them engraved, hmm..."

"Of course you can!" Niki said happily, walking back into the room with a small black box in her hand.

"Ooh, is that the ring Dream is gonna use?" Sapnap asked, moving closer to the others as Niki held out the box. When she opened it, a smile instantly spread across Dream's face. (btw, i think ive used this ring design before but eh whatever)

The actual gem was the shape of a diamond, half of it being blue and half of it being green. In the center, there was a regular diamond. A simple gold band held the gem in place.

"Holy hell," Sapnap muttered, looking at the gem. Dream was still grinning like an idiot. It was perfect.

"You like it, huh?" Niki asked softly, putting the ring back into the box and handing it to him. "Here."

"Wh- for free?" Dream was shocked. He hadn't been to many stores, but when he had gone to a weapon shop Techno had opened he was charged more than usual.

Niki gave a warm smile. "George has been happier lately. I can tell."

Dream gave many continuous thank yous as he left, tucking the box into his satchel and making his way down the prime path. (makin our way down town, towering, fast, we're gonna die- to a ghast DUNUNUNUNNAA)

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