Spiderman: homecoming pt.1

Start from the beginning

" Do the Avengers have to pay taxes? What does Hulk smell like?" The boy I learned whose name was Ned said. I sighed. We were in Gym. Peter was doing sit-ups. Flawlessly might I add? I stopped paying attention to them. I heard some girls talking. I looked over at them. " Now see for me it would be F thor. Marry Iron man and kill Hulk." She said. The others around her nodded her head. " Well, what about the Spider-Man and Night-Wolf?" The other girl asked. I chuckled to myself. I looked over at Peter. They were looking at the girls too. " It's just Spider-Man," The first girl said. " Did you see the bank security cam on YouTube? He fought off four guys." The second girl said. " Oh, my god, she's crushing on Spider-Man," The girl said. " What do you think of Night-Wolf?" The second girl asked. She looked over at me. I looked away. " I would smash," She said. The others laughed. I leaned over to Peter. " What does smash mean?" I asked. Ned and Peter looked at each other then looked at me. " Uh... It means..." Ned said looking at Peter. " It means... They would... Have... S-E-X with you" Peter whispered to me. " Sex?" I asked a bit too loud. The four looked at me. I continued looking at peter. " You guys are minors... That's illegal" I said. " No, we know but there are these little books called Fanfic-" " Fanfactionist... Yeah, it's these books about the Avengers and their... Fighting styles" Peter said interrupting Ned by elbowing him. " What if Spider-Man is like... Seriously burned. He could be 30 and like mad ugly" One of the guys said. " I don't care. I'd still love him for who he was on the inside" The second girl said. " Peter and Axel know Spider-Man!" Ned shouted. I looked over at him. " Shit" I mumbled. " No, I don't. No. I- I mean-" Peter said jumping up. I sighed and got up. " Well, obviously Night-Wolf is going to know Spiderman I heard she fought beside him but how would Peter Parker know about him." The first girl said. I looked at Peter he looked at me. " They're friends," Ned said. I sighed. " Not helping," I said to Ned. He looked down. " yeah, friends like Coach Wilson and Captain America are friends," A boy said walking toward us. " Who's that?" I asked Ned. " That's Flash. He's a dick" Ned said. " That's the stupidest name I've ever heard," I said a bit too loud. Flash glared at me. I glared back. he backed down. " I- I've met him, yeah. A couple of times. With Axel" Peter said pointing to me. I sighed. " How do you even know the Night-Wolf?" Flash asked. " She's his... Godsister" Ned said. I whipped my head around to stare at him. Everyone was silent for a moment. " Through the... Stark internship" I said. Everyone looked at me. " How Peter knows Spider-Man." I walked forward a bit. I put my arm on his shoulder. " Peter here... Helped me design some things on my suit," I said giving him a tight-lipped smile. She smiled awkwardly up at me. " Really? What part?" Flash asked crossing his arms. I sighed. " I don't have my suit," I said shrugging my shoulders. " What's that behind your ear then?" One of the kids asked me. It turned around. I put my hand up to my ear. " Oh, um... My mask." I said. " And Peter helped her with it too," Ned said. I glared at him. " You mind showing us what it does?" Flash asked stepping forward. I sighed. I clicked on my mask. Everyone gasped. " Freda. Activate..." I said. I thought about it for a moment. The only thing I could think of was stupid. I had to do it. " Freda Activate mark 83 mode please," I said with a sigh. " Right away," Freda said. I felt the locaters traveling down my arms. " ready to go Axel?" Freda asked. I sighed. " yes," I said. I raised my hands. Thrusters appeared on my hands. " It's meant to pair with Iron man," I said. " Woah" I heard the kids say. " Do you have a pair for spider-man?" the second girl asked. I looked over at her. Peter looked curious too. " I do. " I said turning off mark 83. " Would you mind showing us it?" The first girl asked. I looked at Peter. He gulped. I sighed. " It's just a prototype one wrong move and-" " I'm sure it'll be fine. Your Night-Wolf!" The girl said. I sighed. " Tony didn't want me showing you this but... I don't really care" I whispered to Peter. I stepped back a bit. I raised my hand. " Spider-man shoots his webs right here," I said pointing at my hand. Everyone nodded. I raised my hand and pressed the activator. A whirring noise started. " After he does that... I will be able to find wherever he has distrubtied his web." I said bringing my hand back down. I pressed the button. " It seems we have a bit of a problem." Freda said. I sighed. " What is it?" I asked. " There's incoming," She said. I looked up. " What do you mean incoming?" I asked. " It's the baby," She said. " I need to go," I said to Peter. " Wh- Call me!" He shouted as I ran out the door. " Incoming call from Nat," Freda said. " Answer," I said running through the halls. " Nat? What's wrong?" I asked as I exited the doors. " Slow down. Nothing wrong. The baby's fine..." She said. I sighed. I had made it to my car. " What was Freda going on about then?" I asked looking around the school. " The baby has developed to the point where we can know the gender," She said happily. I froze. I looked around. " Give me a minute," I said getting into my car. " Do you..." I said putting my hands on the steering wheel. " I wanted to find out the same time as you." She said. I sighed. I rested my head on the steering wheel. " Ready?" Nat asked. " NoOoO," I said. She giggled. " Oh my god. Axel its... It's a girl" She said excitedly. I smiled slightly. " How is... She doing?" I asked. Nat chuckled. " She's fine. Chasity said 'Après la pluie, le beau temps' Which means 'After the rain, good weather" Nat said. I sighed. I was about to say soemhting when someone knocked on my window. " Hold on Nat" I said rolling down the window. It was a girl. " Hello?" I said. " Hey, you're Peter Parker's god sister right?" She asked. I nodded my head. She nodded hers. " Why?" I asked. " Oh, nothing its just... Nevermind. I'm M.J. I'm one of Peter's friends." Seh said. I stuck my hand out for her to shake. She took it. " You can call me Axel, M.J" I said. She nodded. " You should get back to class" I said. She looked back at the school. " I don't really want too. But you're an Avenger so I guess I have to listen" She said. I smiled slightly. " See you around M.J" I said. She nodded and walked away. " Who was that?" Nat asked. I smiled. " Peter's 'friend'" I said. " Friend huh?" Nat said. We both chuckled. " She didn't even ask if I was 'Night-Wolf'." I said. Nat sighed. " What is it?" I asked. " I... I just miss you." She said. I sucked in a deep breath. I smiled. " Really? Natasha Romonaff misses me?" I teased. She scoffed. " Oh shut up. I know you miss me too." She said. I smiled even bigger. " Of course I miss you. And I'm not afraid to show it" I said. She laughed. " Yeah well, hurry up and get this over with. I want my Night-Wolf back. I miss rolling over and hitting you while your asleep" She said. I chuckled. " Yeah, yeah. It'll just be a bit." I said. My phone dinged. I picked it up. " Whos that?" Nat asked. I read the phone. I sighed. "It's Peter. He's going to a party tonight and doesn't want me to embaress him." I said smiling. My phone buzzed again. I laughed. " What?" Nat asked. "He's spam texting me saying he didn't mean it like that." I said. Nat laughed. " Seem's like a nice kid." Nat said. I nodded my head. My smile slowly faded. " He is. He's strong too. Almost as strong as me." I said. " Ooh. I should watch out" Nat said. " Oh please. If he were to pose a threat to you I would smush him like the spider he is" I said. Nat made an offended noise. " What?" I asked. " So... You'd smash a spider?" She asked. " Y-Yes..." I said cautiously. " Baby. I'm a spider" She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. " ... Y-Youre a spider?" I asked not following. She laughed. God I could listen to her laugh all day. " I'm the Black Widow." She said. I made an 'o' shape with my mouth. " Well yeah that's just a name. I"m talking about how he literally has the attributes of a spider" I said. " Yeah, Yeah. Get going. I love you. Be safe" She said. " I love you too. Let me know if anything irregular happens with the baby" I said. " Of course." She said. She made a kissing noise through the other side of the phone. I smiled and copied the noise. " Bye." She said. " Bye" I said. A beeping noise came from the other line. I sighed. " Alright Peter. Here I come" I said getting out of the car.

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