Chapter 30

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Two year after the pandemic of the deadly virus that has been affected many people , globally from all of over the world by stopping humans like I from living our normal lives.

We decided to stay in my grandparents house to look after them as the Prime Minister told us to stay also we are only allowed to invite people over who are in our tight bubble.
"I thought that I was never going to be able to see a light of day again!" I exclaimed to Cohen.

I walks into the living room with Cohen standing right beside my side as we go to take a seat on the couch, my head is resting on his shoulders while I am combing my finger though his hair which has been getting really long in the lockdown.

In the second lockdown he finally let me trim his hair and show how much he trust me to do it even though I was only joking around when I asked him the first time to do it.

"Look on the bright side, the virus is gone"he said cheerily to me.
The doorbell rings all throughout the house, walked to it to go answer the door to see my best friend Rhea who I have not seen in ages until the virus die down therefore, I miss her dearly because talking on FaceTime just does not seem to cut it.

"Oh finally good riddance!"cheered Rhea with excitement.

We all still have to wear face mask which I definitely know for sure that it is a barrier to communication.

"I want to go traveling or at least on a holiday"I blurted to them.
I love staying in a house with my grandparents,Cohen however, all those exercises videos, baking pastries and watching Netflix so religiously on the television.

To summon it all up I have been a enjoying life although, I do awfully miss socialising with other people.

"All your plan has to wait"Rhea informed me.

As soon as I heard these words coming out of Rhea mouth, I generally think to myself preparing for the worst for the tenth time because all I assume is they re-announce the news today probably changing their mind about not being able to lift lockdown.

"Why?"he asks Rhea confusedly

He literally takes the word from out of my mouth when we both wait for Rhea to give us more information on her news.

"Because we have a prom to get ready for"answer Rhea.

I let out a relief sighed of joy as in no way I am going back into lockdown, I need all the fresh air that I can get this time around plus the only positive stuff that coronal virus has ever done for me is kill off all of the dangers or harmful threats to our lives.

In despite getting the virus is actually a threat in itself.
"I do not even have a prom dress ready"I pointed out that to Rhea.

I remember all I have in my wardrobe is tracksuits, shorts, tops, leggings, gym clothes, jeans , my favourite leather jacket and some of the clothes from his wardrobe that I have keep for steals.

I do not know why his clothes are so much comfortable compared with my clothes, I am beginning to suspect some shops think that all women or girls would like to actually wear a piece of clothing only for fashion and not for warmth.

"You can wear the nice dress that I have brought you"he suggests to me.

I am quickly heading upstairs to try on the dress that Cohen have managed to surprise me with in the back of my wardrobe.

"I doubt that will ever fit me from all the amount of chocolate bars I have been consuming" I said doubtfully to him.

I gasped at the stunning dress with my eyes widened to the gorgeous dark blue mid parting ball gown dress also it has pockets inside of it.

"I know you have been keeping busy with him"Rhea said slyly to me.

I did not expect to hear Rhea saying that well I guess if there is one lesson life has taught is to all expect the unexpected.

"Erm.... what are you talking about?"i asks Rhea confusedly.

There is just no way of hiding it as Rhea could see the love bites on my necks from Cohen, jeez I think I am glowing or maybe it is how layback I look right now.

"Well you can say that again"he said agreeing with Rhea.

I just rolled my eyes at these two not even bother to listen to their conversation anymore when I walk inside the kitchen getting a glass cup as I slowly pour my apples juice into it, locking the lid on the carton and putting it back into the fridge.

"You both have no filter"i tell them honestly.

I picked up my glass cup of apples juice to start drinking it upon watching Rhea and Cohen walking inside the kitchen.

"What the point of denying the truth anyway"he stated to me.

I placed my cup of juice on the table to go washed my hands as I slowly go eyed him wearing his lovely suit. Oh damn he is looking so attractive in his suit meanwhile in sitting here with my mouth gaping at how handsome he is.

"So enlightening me about this prom" i said excitedly to Rhea.

I am still ever so slightly distracted by him wearing a suit that Rhea has to clap to gain my attention back on to her.
"the crew and I have help arrange a special prom for the both of you"Rhea explains to us.

We are all walking outside to see everyone in our friendship group is here standing in front of our house as we speak all dressed up in suit and dresses.

"All you and Cohen need to do is get change into your formal clothes"Sienna said to me.

I take that as my sign to go freshen up, then change into my dress with my heels on my feet and gracefully walking downstairs towards them when my long hair is in curls and I look as great as I feeling today.

"You guys are the best!" I exclaimed excitedly to them.

They are all waiting patiently for me to walk into the hallway of my house to see me so we can all take photos together.
"No need to thanks us yet"hinted Dani.

I decided to try figuring out if they are going to show us next after explaining about the prom.
Carter Adds in  "We have all been through a hard time"

I gasped.
I miss seeing all of my friends like I do not miss some people as much as I miss my  group of friends during in lockdown but thankfully lockdown is all over now!

"I could hug you right now if only there was no rule against it"i said sadly to them.

I cannot believe they have all came this way in an completely different country of what they are so used to be in for us.

I continue to say as confused as ever "I do have one more question though"

We are all walking towards my garden door as Rhea open the door to my garden which is looking absolutely stunning by the way and I am begin to think that maybe Cohen have helped them put this all together.

"It is in your garden"Rhea Pointed out of me.

The magic fairy lights, glow sticks candles lights, the beauty nights sky in it natural form, the snacks are smelling so delicious in the air , the music and most importantly the company of our friends who has taken their time to plan all of this amazing night for us.

Coming back to England (sequel to Queen of my heart)Where stories live. Discover now