Chapter 3

13 9 11

Reagan point of view

The homely smell

I can't wait to feel the cold weather windy breeze blowing on the necks making my hair flow in the wind as I walks through out of the airport.

The trees are simply waving when I walk by them, noisy incoming of vehicles that are struck in traffic, beautiful view of nature flowers etc and I will always have America in my heart whereas the Uk has always been my truth home even since I have grown up here.

"Are you ready to see your grandparents again?"he ask me.

After the plane have finally landed on the ground safely, we both quickly went to collect our luggages from the top shelf and patiently waiting for the other passengers to get out of the plane one at a time.
"As ready as I will ever be"I reply back to him excitingly.

I could even feel a bounce in my step walking out of the plane with the cold powerful springs breeze forcefully blowing at me, it was so strong that even I have to hold on tightly to his hand to prevent the wind from blowing me off into another direction.

"That the spirit of a true born queen"he cheered me on.

I flip the back of my hair pretending to be a royalty,walking down the pathway into the airport and out of the exit.

He  then started clapping for me while booking an Uber to take us to my grandparents house because he did not drive himself here the last time he went into airport.
"Well it is about time about for me to put my foot forward and start to enjoy spending time with family again"I shirked with excitement.

I practically scream so much with excitement in my bones when we finally have arrived at back in London and the plane landed safely as well.
"Ohh erm, what about me?"he asks me jokingly.

I nudge his shoulders, hug him so tightly never ever wanting to let go of him or pull apart from our hug.

"You are my family too"I beamed to him.

I look up at him staring straight up into his eyes with happiness and a grateful smile on my face instead of him giving up me when I was missing. He remains hopeful that one day he will safe me from that misfortunes of being locked up always in that abandoned building.

"So are you"he whispered softly in my ears.

My breath hitches up a little bit more when gently caressing my face with his finger feels so good as slowly dancing around my arms bare skin.

I feel like it was actually just him and I standing in the front of the airport with no else but just the two us like how we met for the first time at a party.
"You make me feel like a incredibly happy girl , did you know that?"I ask him happily.

He leans in towards me as I mirror his actions to make our lips entwine for a kiss until it started to snow outside and just as we were about to kiss the sound of Uber started startling us with the loud sound of the Uber driver beeping it horns distract us from kissing each other .

"Good. I am so glad that you are happy with me"he smirked his glorious smirk at me.
We both hopped into our Uber still holding each other hand the whole way through the entire journey back to my grandparents house and I could sense that he was actually nervous about meeting my grandparents.

Coming back to England (sequel to Queen of my heart)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن