Chapter 5

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Reagan Point of view

In life with the greatest award of happiness comes pain.

I waking up from my wonderful sleep to the lovely sound of birds chirping by my windowsills, I hear a similar voice coming from the doorway of my room and I rubbing my eyes to see who it is.

"Hey sleepyhead"he chuckles at me.
As I stretches to fully wake up my body,I slowly arose from my queen size bed and tie my hair into a messy bun.
"Hey you"i drawled out to him.

I finally have the strength to get out of bed to socialise with other people, first I am checking my phone to see if Rhea reply back to my messages that I sent her last night and then I go to the toilet to do my very simple morning routines.

My phone is constantly buzzing like crazy with lots of messages from Rhea or other people who I might have talked to before my life completely change in American but now I am back and better than ever before.

"Rea, Reagan. Your phone is constantly vibrating with calls and messages"he suggested that I should have probably pick up my phone.

Oh I did not even notice it ringing at all due to his hotness standing there right in front of me and the best part is that he is all mine for the take in.

I began to speak not knowing how to explain it to him "Oh yeah sorry for that because sometimes.....I erm"

I realise that I am stuttering or blabbering like a fish out of water, I throw at cushion at him but somehow he catches it chuckling at me and then I huffed being annoyed by his amazing reflexes.
"Aww Rea, it is okay if you like to daydream sometimes"he whispered softly into my ear and give me a forehand kiss.

Oh my gosh why is he so perfect especially when he is standing there with his messy bed hair which makes him even look ten time than before also do not even get me started with his deep coarse morning voice.

Let me stooped before i begins to drawl again!
"I will once you put on a shirt"i demands him to put on a shirt or a robe on his top half.

He slowly started walking over to me when all I can imagine is our little incident back in our house in America where I first saw him shirtless ahhh it really does bring back some memories more good than bad memories though.

"Sorry this distracting you from answering your phone calls on time?"he asks me knowingly.

Well two can play at this game since he clearly knows what he is doing to me when he is shirtless showing his bare drawled worthy abs.

"You know what why don't you come over here you hotshot?"I ask him all flirty with a little wink.
He listened to my commands as he walks over to me when the door burst open after him and I Mini flirting match.

My grandma Elisa was standing in the same pot in my room as he was before he walk all the way over here to meet at my bedside.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything?"My grandma Elisa try to ask us innocently with a suggestively winking at me intently.

I could just tell that Cohen laughing in the background behind the back of my bedroom door sneakily when grandma Elisa is simply too busy embarrassing me.
"Grandma can you please just not?"I ask my grandma Elisa nicely as possible for her to stop with her suggestively winks.

I have a feeling that my face is fully turning a crazy shade red into a tomato colour and i cover my face with my pillows.

"I have no idea what you are talking about?"asked my grandma Elisa answering my questions with her questions.

Oh, if only the ground could just swallow me right up right now or if I could just hide my body underneath my duvet covers then maybe she would stop.

I am blushing crazily right now all thanks to my grandma Elisa for insinuating also suggesting about him and I doing the deeds.
"Oh hello there Cohen, I did not even notice you there"my grandma Elisa said greeting him kindly.

My grandma Elisa she can definitely act right because I know for a fact that she did actually see him there also I believe my grandma Elisa deserve an Oscar award for the world most clever actress nominee.
"Yeah right"i said in disbelief to my grandma Elisa.

I get up from my bed and make my way to the bathroom bring my outfit with me to into my clothes in the bathroom and once done I step out of the bathroom after getting quickly dressed for today.

"I hope you did not say anything too embarrassing about me"i cringe at the thought of my grandma Elisa sharing my baby stories with him.

My grandma Elisa smile sweetly at me before heading downstairs to make breakfast for the four of us while grandpa Stanley is feeding Percy our cat, cat food.

I really miss that little sucker so much when I was away in America dealing with life itself including coming to terms with the whole tabackles of being constantly in danger back then.

"Now,please put the shirt on!"i instructed him to wear a shirt.
"Ooo I love it when you get bossy"he whispered seductively in my ear.

I sadly turn him down to mentally prepare myself to explain everything that has happened to me since I was in America but luckily I am back in the UK to my grandparents.

"Ooo, I love it when you would actually listen to me" I mimic him but change a few words.

He finally put on a shirt for me when Percy my beloved cat stroll into my room purring to try and get my attention from him also it seems to be working in my cat favour.

I pick up Percy my cat from the floor in my room ,We walking out of my room to go down the stairs and heading straight into the kitchen as I am taking Percy my cat in my arms with me.

"I see you have finally awakened from your slumber Reagan?"asked grandpa Stanley happy to see that I am well rested.

I nodded when in thought thinking about how to tell them the tortured that I went through back then and I shivered from those horrible memories.
"Grandma Elisa and grandpa Stanley I...we have something to tell the both of you"i said nervously to them.

My legs started constantly shaking in fear of what their reaction will be like nexts however , the bittersweet pill to swallow and also he takes a hold of my hand as well as whispering sweet words into my ear.

"Why don't you wait until I finish serving everyone freshly made french toast, chocolate chips scones with whipped cream or a sauce of your choice?" My grandma Elisa asked me to wait until we all tucked into our breakfast.

I look towards Cohen to at least try to help me out here with sharing the terrible things that happened to whilst I am still struggling to get the words out of my mouth.
"Back in America I really did try my best to look after her but erm ... she got kidnapped by the crazy psycho path stalker"he stutter out loud for me.

I think he is really scared of my grandparents reaction especially my grandpa Stanley one which I would be too if I was in his shoes.
"Ohh darling, I am sorry for that to happen to you while being away from us and Cohen I know that you really did try your best to save her"my grandma Elisa sympathised to us.

My grandma Elisa, grandpa Stanley, Cohen and I were in a group hug for some little while.

The rest of the day Cohen and I spent our time together answering messages, phone calls and watching marvel movies like venom.

Coming back to England (sequel to Queen of my heart)Where stories live. Discover now