Chapter 4

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Cohen Point of view

Day one in London

I don't ever think that I would see her this happy after the way how both of us changed ,well mostly her life has already been affected by the drastic changes of living in a different country where she knows nobody else except for me and she was once kidnapped.

I have decided to work part time in my gym from London to actually focus on the real matters at hand here which is her however ,I have been secretly saving up my money for us to get our place together right across the street from her grandparents house.

I began to speak "Hello my names is-"

I was interrupted when I was actually about to reintroduce myself to her grandparents again by her grandpa Stanley but I decided to wait until her grandpa Stanley have finished talking to be a gentleman.

"We already know who you are Cohen"her grandpa Stanley interrupted me.

Well that is certainly good enough that her grandpa Stanley to recognise me from a couple of month ago but I hope her grandparents do not lecture me about what happened in America.

"What my lovely husband means that you are the bodyguard that comes here so many month ago"her grandma Elisa corrected her husband.

I shut the door behind us as we all walked into the kitchen to take a break from standing up for too long.

"Grandma Elisa and grandpa Stanley I have something to tell you about"She said to her grandparents.

We both walked in straight away inside the kitchen  following behind her grandma Elisa and take a seat on the kitchen stools.

"Why don't you two please take a sit inside the kitchen ?" asked her grandma Elisa.

Reagan is  about to announce to her grandparents that we have actually starting dating and I am more than her protector now.
"The news is that Cohen here is now my boyfriend"she announces that to her grandparents.

Nobody in the room is angry or deposed the idea of us dating each other which is great news for us.
"Tell us the story of how you met our granddaughter Reagan?"her grandma Elisa asks us  very eagerly.

Her grandma Elisa want to know the story of how Reagan and I actually met which is actually very quite interesting including a funny story.
I began to speak "We met at a party, I saw her standing there outside in someone backyard peering to be very lonely and my first thought were she really need a strong guy like me-"

She hits me lightly on my arm even though I know that her punches or hits does not hurt but I pretend that it hurts me.
"Don't listen to him, grandma Elisa and grandpa Stanley because  that is definitely not how I would remember it"she interjected me speaking.

She is right though that some of it is not actually true but I like winding her up sometimes because I found it funny all the time.
"Ouch what for that?"I ask her dumbfounded that she hit me lightly again.

I pretended her hit hurts me so much that I started to rubbing the spot where she hit me but let me honest her hit and punches are really improved since when I first hold my first training session with her.
"For not telling them the exact story of how we met"she called me out on it.

This time I am actually going to tell the story of how we met in a clip note version to keep short sweet and simple just like her.
I am only kidding!
"I was keeping an close eye on her to make sure that no average teenagers boys tried anything out on her and then I saw her standing there in this guy called mason garden"I recall to them.

Coming back to England (sequel to Queen of my heart)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang