Chapter 22:Carrie Underwood, Jealousy, and Frozen Yogurt

Start from the beginning

My mom just continued changing the channel till she finally just decided to turn it off. She looked at us and we looked back.

We stayed like this for a while till she started crying. What in the world is going on? Liam looked so uncomfortable and believe it or not but i was too.

Seeing your parents cry is the worst possible site you could ever see.

"Mom what's wrong?" I asked.

"I- I-..I just really wanted Jarah to work out" she sobbed.

I gave her a confused look and she threw her hands up in the air. She then smacked her head on her knees which I thought was pretty funny.

"Liam explain the name to her" my mother told Liam.

"Alright well mom and I are big fans of Jason and you being together so we came up with a ship name.. Jarah" Liam explains to me.

"Jarah?" I ask them.

"Can she get any stupider?" I hear Liam whisper to my mom.

"I heard that!"

"Jarah is Jason and yours' names put together" Liam tells me.

My family is so weird.

"Well he didn't even visit me in the hospital so I wouldn't look forward to us ever being together anytime soon" I pout.

They both slump down in their seats and I take a sit right next to them. Jason really has gotten my whole family to love him hasn't he? What an egoistic, manipulative-

"Why don't you just call him?"

I snap my head to look at Liam. Is he crazy?

"Are you insane?" I ask.

"What guys love it when girls make the first move" he says and my mom nods.

"Fine whatever I'll go call him"

I stand up from my spot and so does Liam and my mom. I roll my eyes and make my way over to the kitchen. They still continue to follow so I slam the kitchen door on their faces.

I grab my phone from my back pocket and dial Jason's number. I sigh a long sigh and press the call button. It rings and it rings until finally I chicken out and hang up. I don't know why I even tried calling him he's probably busy.

I swing the kitchen door open and stomp into the living room. Liam and my mom turn their heads around so quickly it creeps me out.

They jump up and down like screaming little girls and they literally clap their hands. I roll my eyes and wait till they stop bouncing and by the way they were jumping they won't stop until about thirty minutes top.

"Are you guys done yet?" I ask aggravated by them.

"Okay yes but oh my god! tell me what happened?!" Liam shouts.

I look at him like he's gone mad and he coughs. I guess he realized that he sounded like a total girl.

Liam coughs again and flexes his muscle to show how manly he is and I slap it because its nothing but flap.

"Ow!" Liam cries.

"Shut up Liam and let her tell us what happened" my mom asks excitedly.

"There's nothing to tell I called him and-"

Of course right when I'm talking about him Jason just has to call. Liam looks over at my phone that's on the coffee table and he grabs it like his life depends on it. He smirks a wide smirk and answers my phone.

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