Don't Mess with Cedar.

Start from the beginning


He carefully stood up and grabbed the wall. The pain and pleasure tried to get him to go back down as he started looking around.

Silar wasn't in the area. He gulped as he headed for where the others were supposed to be at. He looked over at the place before pulling out his phone. Only 6? Where were they at?

His eyes caught sight of something. He carefully went over and picked up the jacket. He instantly recognized it.


He froze at the sight of a strained of purple sparkles. His magic kit was in his hand as he examined it.

"Kelton..." He frowned before it hit him. "Kelton Areç..." He trembled. "Ţaçly..." He pulled out a card and gulped. "Reversal Arena!"

Purple electricity hit the area and the feeling vanished. He sighed with relief as he hugged the jacket. A snarl escaped him as his eyes flashed a forbidden green.

"Silar... you are on thin ice. No... that ice has shattered."


Sage was quiet as the others started waking up again. He had been staring at the screen Silar had provided of the outside world as pain hit them over and over again.

"Is she gone..."

Sage said nothing as he watched Cedar plan something.


He looked at the speaker briefly before looking back screen.


Cedar trembled as he walked through the streets, trying to find the others. His mind kept drifting back to what Silar did to him. He kept shaking his head to get it out of his head.

"Cedar!" He looked toward the voice and snarled. The person slowed down and blinked.

"Leave me alone Silar."

"Why? What happened to you?"

"You-" He huffed. "You attacked me." She purred.

"What? What do you mean?" He hissed.

"Where are my friends?" She paused.

"What friends?" He shakily gripped his arm with a fierce grip.

"The ones you took! What did you do with them!?" She hummed.

"Eliminated them. They don't deserve you."

He stayed quiet as he stared at her in sheer fear. She laughed darkly.

"Don't you worry, Cedar. I'll keep you safe! Why don't we go and-"

That's when he snapped. With a lone tear racing down his face, he lowered his head and sent a bolt of purple electricity. It danced around her before striking her. The scream that followed brought a chuckle out of Cedar. It was a very sadistic and weak one, but it was there.

"Y-you? Protect me? After what you did? Oh no..." His head rose and his eyes flashed a bright green. "You touch me one more time, I will make sure no one finds the body. Not even a grim reaper or Satan."

Silar chuckled softly before appearing behind him and grabbing his mouth. She pulled his arms behind him and wrapped her other three limbs around him, trapping him in her embrace. He screamed against her hand as she recasted the enchantment. His screams turned into moans instantly.

"Are you sure about that?"


Sage saw the scene and instantly went to escape. While the others were quietly staring at the scene, he made a move. The air currents started moving as a fire started flared in him. His back stayed to the others as he started charging. Scarlet paused as Lapis panicked.

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