Chapter 54: The Departure😭🥺😭

Start from the beginning

"Do I look like a fool to you?! Wait, do you think I'm crazy or something? Who would go through all that stress? Me?" Like an angry butterfly, she fluttered her eyelashes at him and stood up.

"Please, dear. Don't be like this. I need you the most right now, please." He begged as his breath deepened. Grant me this favour, Almirah. Unite a child with his mother... please."

"I'm so sorry, Musa. It's over between us. I can't do a thing for you. Being married to you was the worse curse ever! Do you know? Walidah is sick.

"W..what happened to her?" He coughed.

"She's having blood cancer. Her red blood cells are contaminated, but how would you know?! All you think about is yourself! After that is yourself and after yourself, is yourself! When last did you even visit your daughters! Jameela died at childbirth, too bad you couldn't even visit her grave!"
Anger laced her voice.

"I know I wasn't the good husband you deserve more was I a good father to our girls but trust me, I still love and care about you." he coughed incoherently as tears washed down his eyes.

"So what did you want me to do now, Musa. I'm tired of this stupid confessions you're making. I lived a beautiful life before I met you... I regret ever getting married to you at the first place" She grabbed her hand bag, about to leave.

"I need your forgiveness Almirah. And maybe... only if you can help me take the boy back to his mother."

"Me!" She beat her chest. You must be out of your mind." She hissed and left the hospital.

After that, Engineer Almirah went back to their apartment to pack all her most important things. She took all her luggage and fled out of the country. Tired of Nigerian air, she just wanted to travel far away from his troubles and live the rest of her life with her children.

Alhaji Musa cried so hard as his life history played before his eyes. He regretted every wrong he has done. Too bad, there's no going back now. It was already is time. He cried so hard that he chocked in his own tears.

Gradually, he started coughing, slowly until he finally lost it. Miss Monica along with other nurses rushed into his was but the was breathing as if he was claustrophobic. Taking deep, heavy breaths that fill his lungs.

She rubbed a transparent gel on the CPR machine, trying to wake him up but lots of trial, nothing worked.

"Come one guys, his pulse has stopped." She covered his face with the white hospital blanket.
"Tell the guys to come and pack up his his body. I'll call his wife." She walked out of the ward as others followed.

There he was, Alhaji Musa is now dead. He died a slow and excruciating death. The doctors had to pack his body into the mortuary, preserved with other dead bodies.

Doctor Monica called Engineer Almirah about her husband's death but she the plane she boarded was just landing in Canada.

Hearing about his death, she just cut the call and took a taxi to Walidah's house. She dropped her baggage and went to visit her in the hospital where she was admitted.

Hearing the news, Faridah the third daughter of Alhaji Musa took a flight to Nigeria in order to give her dad a befitting burial and withness it as well. She went with a trusted friend as they booked the flight together. At the airport, Faridah and her bestie got scanned and the security agents find 3kg of cocaine on their bodies. Confused Faridah don't know how it got there but the both of them got arrested. The doctor treating Jameela called on Engineer Almirah and told her about her daughter's health issues.

"So sorry to inform you ma'am As you know, your daughter has been diagnosed with blood cancer and she's in it's last stages. The thing is, I'm not sure how long she's having but there are possibilities that she might last half a year. For now, there's a little we can do. What would help her the most is to be treated with so much love and care... She would really need you in her life especially during these times..." The doctor explained.

Hearing this, Almirah broke down in tears. She didn't know what next to do.

"You have to take heart ma'am. And be strong for your daughter." He muttered. Just then, Almirah's phone rang.

"Am I speaking with Engineer Almirah Musa Adamu?"

"Yes, I'm the one. Who am I speaking with please?"

Your daughter, Zainab Musa was arrested today for smuggling drugs." Hearing this, Almirah fainted. It was too much for her too bare.

Alhaji Musa's death was announced on television. His company was demolished While Engineer Almirah tried living a good life specially for her daughter's that had limited time to live. It's obvious that their father's sins also affected them as well.

Words and Translations

-C.P.R Machine: Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation.

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