Chapter 48: The Surprise 🤭🤭🤭

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In his hands was a tiny box. He opened it and brought out a diamond ring. He knelt down on one knee, facing Humaira. Her eyees grew wild at the ring he was holding.

'It's not what I'm thinking, is it?' she widened her eyes in amazement.

"Humaira Sanni Ahmad. When you feel weak, I am here to be strong for you. When you are strong, I’m here to lift you up and make you stronger. When you are sad, I am here to bring a smile to your face. And when you are happy, I am here to enjoy every minute of it. Because you do all these things for me. When I am weak, you give me strength. When I am sad, you make me smile. I am so grateful for you and our life together. I have found my perfect life partner and the mother of my children in you. Would you take this step with me and crown my love for you Humaira, would you be my wife?"

One could hear her sniffles as she turned her back to him, unable to say yes. Well, she was too shy for that. And everything seemed to good to be true.

Zainab went to Humaira and held her hands.

"There are times when we’re together, we’ll be out at a restaurant or maybe just at home, sitting on the couch or going about our days, and I’ll look over at you and I’m struck by how much I love you. I know when you're happy, Humaira and I know when you love someone. You have no idea how happy I am to see you happy. Yet, I have no idea how much this doctor have sacrificed for you but I think he really loves you. Say yes sis, accept his proposal and make me the happiest sister on earth."

Hearing her say this made Humaira more emotional. She felt tears pricking in her eyes as she gave Zainab one tight hug. They cried the tears of joy once more...

"Come on, reply him already. His knees must be hurting." Zainab whispered in Humaira's ears which made her blush.

Humaira then turned back to Zayn, with confused eyes. She just nibbled on her lower lip, trying to hold the tears back.

"It’s just like the first time, my love. I see you and it hits me. Only now, unlike the first time, I realize how incredibly lucky I am to have you, Humaira. So... what is your reply?"

"Yes, Zayn! Yes, I'll be your wife!"  She muttered happily.

How annoying that she had to get the courage to tell him yes. All thanks to Zainab. If she wasn't here this might not be possible. Well, Zayn held her hand and fixed the ring into her ring finger. It fitted so perfectly, Zayn kissed the ring and wrapped his hands over her waist. Humaira buried her very red eyes in his white Jalbab. She cried on his shoulders while Zainab and Khalid smiled at the union. It was a beautiful sight indeed. The four of them finally stepped out of the mosque and took a stroll outside. They took pictures on the streets of Makkah and talked about themselves to each other.

However, earlier that night, Zayn planned to propose to her when they get in from the shopping but he had to wait patiently for her to finish her prayer.

That was a special day indeed. After they ear together before heading back into her rooms. Zainab followed Humaira. She don't know why but she was there. Probably because she's used to sleeping with the sister.

"Perhaps, It's been a while." Zainab smiled shyly and went to sleep in Humaira's room.
About to sleep, Zayn called Humaira to his room. It was around 3:00 a.m already.

"What's it dearie, you called me."

"Yes.. I just wanted us to spend time together. You know."

Zainab chuckled at him. "We're not in Nigeria, Zayn... You're making me feel shy right now."

"Don't worry." He said and held her arm, leading her to his bed.

She sat right next to him as he held her hands into his.

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