Chapter 19: Alhaji Musa

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A bullet whizzed through his brain like a thunderbolt, making his head burst into a thousand pieces. What remained of him was his tiny neck, bleeding like that of a chicken that has just been slaughtered. The reminant of his body was trembling on the floor, lifelessly.

Like a worm, half dead. Scorpion gasped from the dream and this time, he saw a slit on his throat. And again, he was bleeding.

'Oh God! When am I going to be out if all these?!' He cried mentally as he woke up into reality. Just then, he noticed it was daybreak.

"Hey! He's awake!" A sergeant muttered, waking towards him. He noticed blood dripping from Scorpion's neck at stared at him with weird looks. Scorpion gazed back to the ground, feeling shameful and guilty for his pasts. Although, he felt remorseful for all his wrongs and he's ready to pay or the consequences and tell all the truths, Scorpion wondered why the sergeant was staring at him like that.

"Get up, your attention is needed!" The sergeant uttered, unlocking the cell where scorpion had spent the night. His body was bruised and bleeding even without being tortured. Well, he was being tortured mentally and spiritually.  The floor of the cell was wet and dirty, making scorpion's appearance look disgusting.

Walking out of the cell with handcuffed hands, his eyes finally met with Zainab. As if everything was slow motioned before him. He stared at her like a goddess. Someone he owed and can never repay. Someone he ruined, but what she did killed him entirely. And it's still eating him up... Meanwhile, Zainab didn't even know anything. She haven't even done anything. She's just an innocent girl with loads of challenges, who just clocked 16.

"Here he is." The sergeant finally introduced the girls to him.

With guilt written all over his face, Scorpion dropped to his knee. Everyone was surprised to see him how humble he was... And how humble he was ready to be. He wanted to confess and carry the cross of being guilty, bold chested. He turned to Zainab with water in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Zainab. I know I've hurt you for long. Since we've met, you haven't done anything good and right now, I need your forgiveness. I know I deserve all I'm going through right now but... All I want to hear is that you've forgiven me."

Humaira rolled her eyes at him, disgustingly. It was her first time of meeting the so called scorpion but all thanks to him, Zainab is affected with HIV. All thanks to him, Doctor Azeezah died and her children holds them responsible. All thanks to him Hadee is missing.

"Where's my son?!" Humaira spat at him. Shes been keeping quiet all these while not because she's stupid but because she's waiting for the perfect time. Now is the perfect time, the secret is exposed and we know the culprit.

"I'm asking you a question Mr. Scorpion or whatever you call yourself!" Humaira blurted out. "The boy you kidnapped, where's he?"

"I'm so sorry ma'am... I have no idea about where he is." Scorpion muttered in a low voice.

"Don't tell me that! You took a child from his mother and you're blabbing rubbish?! Officer! Are you even hearing this?!" She turned to the Sergeant. "Didn't you torture him overnight or what?! I'm going to deal with you myself if you don't tell me where he is?! Who sent you and why did you kidnap my son?!! Where is he!!!"

"He's somewhere in Ekiti but I don't know where exactly..." He confessed.

"Really?! So you're not going to tell me where you've taken my son huh?!"  Humaira hissed at him, then turned to the sergeant.

"Where's Officer Bamidele? Isn't he back yet?" Confusion laced her eyes as she questioned the officers.

Just then, the major sergeant entered. He was tall and fair, the black police uniform fitted him so well. Officer James Adeyinka too is a well respected man. Diligent and hard-working, just like the D.P.O was. Scorpion stood up immediately he entered.

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