Chapter 31: Angry Birds🦉🦉

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Days Later...

Zainab was cleaning the living the living room when Khalid came to seat. 
"Assalam 'Alaikum. Good morning." She greeted.

"Hmm..." he replied looking at her at all.

Sitting in the executive sofa, he grabbed the television remote and change the channel to 201, SuperSport1.

"Are these people crazy? It's 10:00 pm and the match haven't even started?! Fuck!" He hissed and changed the channel to 203, SuperSport2. They were doing an advert.

"Oh shit!" He cursed again and changed the channel to SuperSport3 with the code 203. Finally, they were playing a match. It was a match between Brazil and Germany. Even though it wasn't the match he wanted to watch, he just had to manage.

Zainab continued cleaning the place. After the chair, then she moved to the Television.

"And what do you think you're doing?!" He yelled.

"You're not blind! Don't you see me cleaning?!" she hissed at him, going back to what she was doing.

"What the fuck! Just get out of her_"
The television screen suddenly went blank.
"What happened?" Zainab's eyes scrolled through.

"You fucking shake the plug! Just get out of here!"

"Whatever!" Zainab hissed and carried the tag along with her.

"What's wrong with him. Everything about him is Fuck! Just because he's born into a wealthy family he thinks he's boss? I hate him already, Mcteeeew!" She hissed and went back into her room. She grabbed her phone and downloaded some new movies. Well, there wasn't any contact on the phone except Mrs. Maikuddi's contact.

Although, Zainab wished she remembered. There was a bumping feeling that she had friends and family. Yes, everybody has friends and family so it's nothing different.

"The only person that makes me feel home is Mrs. Maikuddi and hannatu, the maid. I just wish I remember my real name though." Zainab took her phone and searched for Humaira. Typing the name on the search engine, Facebook brought 5000 people bearing the name.

"Humaira what? I don't even know her surname." Zainab said to herself in confusion. She started checking the profiles one after another. This might be slow but there's a possibility that I'll be able to come across a friend or a family. I hope I'll be able to recognize someone." She said while scrolling through her phone.


Khalid's POV

"That idiot! She spoilt the programme I was watching when the match was just getting interesting. Now, I'm going to miss..." He adjusted the plug and continued watching. But in less than hour, they ended the match.
"Fuck! Is this even a match? What's wrong with these people?!"

He changed the channel to SuperSport4, but they were speaking Italian. He tried watching it but not only were the players annoying, so was the sport analysist.

"Damn it all!" He gritted his teeth like it was difficult to say, pressed the power button and threw the television remote away.
"Oh God! That girl is so faustrating! She spoilt everything! I'm fucking leaving this house, she's made it  uncomfortable for me!" Khalid went to his room and grabbed the keys.

This time, he took his Kawasaki Ninja, power bike. It's noise was so loud that Zainab heard from her room. She had to peep through her window to see what was happening.

"Oh! This guy is so spoilt. Imagine having a bike like that?" A smile made its way to her lips as she watched him drive away. She looked at the next person, Humaira Ahmad but there was a boy on the person's profile.

"This wouldn't be her. Let me move to the next profile." She muttered to herself as she scrolled through.


Meanwhile, Humaira was lost in thought. Of course, Star came during the weekend. They spent lovely time together and even visited the mall for shopping but that was for the weekend. In the evenings, they walked round the streets, markets, mosques and other gatherings to ask if anyone have seen Zainab but no one has given a positive reply so far.


When they were gluing the fliers on the wall, Humaira saw Alhaji Musa's poster.
It says Vote Alhaji Musa Adamu for Senator. Seeing his poster made Humaira heartbroken. What's wrong Hummy?" Star asked

"This is Alhaji Musa's election flier beside ours." She pointed.

What? Is this the same man?! Is he also aspiring to be a senator? Star wondered.

"I don't know, Star. Everyday, things are getting worse." Humaira complained.

"He must be insane! Don't people know how terrible he is?!" Star huffed and turned to Humaira.
"Don't worry my dear. I know that things might be slow and difficult for now but trust me. The truth will prevail. This Alhaji or whatever he calls himself would definitely get exposed one day and nobody would be able to save him."

Star placed Zainab's flier on Alhaji Musa's own. She covers the Alhaji's own so that no one would see it.

"Come on, Hummy. Let's go home." Star suggested as wmthey both left.

(End of flash back)

"Star has been a good friend to me indeed. She find time out of her already busy schedule to visit me." She said to herself and decide to call the officer in charge of Zainab's case.

"Hello sir."

"Hello Miss Humaira." He replied.

"So sorry for calling you like this but I just wanted to confirm how far you've gone with the case."

"We're trying all we can, I assure you. I met with a friend of mine who works with an investigation agency to also work on Zainab's case. He's on it right now, so am I. I'm checking the list if accident cases that happened in FCT for the last three weeks. We've very close to finding Zainab, I promise."

"Okay sir." Humaira replied with a sad voice.

"You don't have to worry my dear. Just keep hope and your sister would come back to you soon." He encouraged.

"Okay sir. Bye."


Humaira cuts the call and threw her phone on the bed. In her room were fliers of Zainab scattered everywhere. On the bed, on the chair. Trying to made the thought and guilt leave, Humaira went to take her bath. After bathing, she wanted to change into her clothes when her eyes caught Hadee's luggage. She couldn't help but to walk to where his clothes were. She poured everything down from his wardrobe and decided to rearrangr it again when she saw his toys.

Everything about it brought a memory. She remembered clearly how Hadee would seat for hours arranging his toys in a straight, ruler form. Taking one of his shirt made her remember how handsome he used to be in his clothes. Tears of sorrow poured down her eyes as she weeped. Smelling his clothes made her miss him even more. Although, her son is autistic, she loved him so much. There were days he would cry and keep crying but she was there by his side to console him. Now, who will do all of that. Who would ever take care of him the way she did?

And that minute, just that minute. Humaira stopped crying. She promised to end all of these my herself.
"If it is a curse. It would end today!" She muttered in between anger and hatred. Remembering that Alhaji Musa was the one behind all of this, she wore a smirk as if an idea popped into her mind.

"I know what to do." She muttered. "I'll end all these mystery right away. I'll kill him."

In an instant, she grabbed her phone and texted "Easiest ways to buy a gun In Nigeria." About a thousand answers displayed on her phone, she had to check it out one after the other. Finally, she here eyes caught up something from a line. She copied a couple of numbers from a sight and ordered for one.

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