37| loving you is a losing game

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Soft moans filled the empty space, Jungkook sighing out in pleasure as Taehyung rubbed his hands tenderly up and down the boys thighs, squeezing the flesh a little. Their mouths were connected, having been so long since they had a taste for each other, the pair not wanting to ever let go ever again - even if they know that tonight is the last they will see of each other in a while.

Taehyung's eyes traveled up Jungkook's legs, the boy blushing a little, knowing that his pale skin was adorned with scars, some large and some small, but when Taehyung pressed his lips against the tainted flesh, he figured that maybe they weren't that bad to look at after all.

"I'm sorry princess." He mumbled, grazing his lips against his inner thigh, slightly nuzzling his nose into the soft skin.

"Stop apologising doofus." Jungkook smiled a little, running his hands through Taehyung's dark, wispy hair, loving how long the mullet was, loving everything about the older. "Its in the past. I forgive you."

Taehyung needed those sweet words that passed the boys lips. He wanted them imprinted into his mind, wrapped around his brain, digging into his spine. But for now he simply held onto the faith that Jungkook was finally his, that nothing could ever taint the love that they held in their palms so gently as though it was china.

He reached back up, pressing another kiss to his lips firmly before collapsing beside the younger, sigh softly as the silky strands of Jungkook's hair passed through his fingers with ease. It was gentle, the touch so subtle, but Jungkook still squirmed at the small graze of Taehyung's fingernails when they dragged against his sensitive scalp.

Even after everything the pair had been through, they still found each other, interlocked into each other's arms, connected in more ways than one, hearts beating apart but in sync. It was heavenly, the way they could trip and still land beside each other, still in each other's minds and hearts.

"What did you do in America?" A hushed whisper broke through the silence, Taehyung glancing down at Jungkook. The bunny smiled, turning on his side to meet the galaxies swirling in Taehyung's eyes.

"You know what I did." Jungkook whispered. Taehyung hummed a little, reaching out and brushing away a stray strand of hair.

"But what did you do? Did you explore cities and waterfalls? Drink martinis in penthouses?" Jungkook giggled, shaking his head. "What did you do?"

Taehyung stared at the younger as his lips pulled into a pout as though he was thinking seriously hard. It was then Taehyung realised that if he released Jungkook he was sure he would soar up to the sky, floating amongst the brightest stars. He was spectacular, something you see every night and sometimes in the day but you can never have.

Something so bittersweet.

The star bit his lip. "I got my nipples pierced." Taehyung's eyes went wide as he nodded slowly. "It was a dare. I-I lost. So." Jungkook shrugged. Taehyung glanced down at his chest just before the star pushed his top over his pecs, revealing two bars pushed through his nipples.

"That's so much hotter than I imagined." Taehyung choked out, biting his lip before running a hand down the soft skin, glancing back up at Jungkook, the younger biting his lip harshly. He took his hand away. "I'm sorry."

Jungkook shook his head before pulling his top back down. "It's okay. I- I don't mind it, it's just-"

"You're not use to it." Taehyung smiled a little, the younger nodding with a sigh. "Don't worry. And don't push yourself. I won't do anything you don't want to do."

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