“I understand. But—”

I stopped when I heard a door slam. 

“Y-Yoongi…We’re the only people in this house, right?” I pointed the flashlight out Yoongi’s open door.

“Yeah…” He took the flashlight and stood up, “Come on.”

“Wait! What if it’s a robber?” I whisper-shouted

“Shh,” He grabbed my hand and pulled me out with him. 

I heard more than one pair of footsteps. I gulped. 

“Stay here,” Yoongi whispered, “I’ll go see who it is.”

I nodded. I stood still, making sure to be quiet. After a while, I heard talking downstairs. 

I pursed my lips and crossed my arms. 

‘Who exactly is down there?’

Yoongi flashed the light from the bottom of the stairs, “It’s Mi Hi and my mom.”

“They’re back?” I walked downstairs next to Yoongi

He nodded.

“Ah, the rain stopped. The power should come on soon. Are you two okay?” Mrs. Min asked 

I smiled and nodded.


“Finally! Light!” I squealed falling back onto my bed

“I can’t believe your alive after spending hours in the dark with Yoongi,” Mi Hi laughed.

“Hey! What’s that suppose to mean!?” I yelled throwing a pillow at her 

She caught the pillow then hugged it, “Don’t you two hate each other?”

“No. We don't hate each other. Well, I don’t hate him…I’m not sure how he feels about me, though,” I sighed staring up at the ceiling.

“He has a girlfriend.”

My eyes widened and I quickly sat up, “How do you know!?”

“I heard you and Yoongi arguing about it once…I don’t see why he’s hiding it from his mom.”

“His mom doesn’t really approve of them dating…” I trailed off.

“Yoongi must really love her. Going through all this trouble to keep it away from his mom…Tsk, boys,” Mi Hi rolled her eyes.

Lies (Suga/Min Yoongi) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now