After me and Scott picked up our mom we went home and road in silence. Scott was struggling to maintain his anger still. I could see it, the way he was struggling to breath, the way his claws were digging into his jeans.

It was comforting though, Not the fact that he was really angry. The fact that he cared. He was angry because stiles made me upset. It was nice to know someone cared. I mean I know of course people care about me, but I like when they show it or say it.

When we got home My mom parked the car, got out and went inside. I turned around to look at Scott in the back seat.

"Scott"I said.

"I'm okay let's go inside" he huffed and opened the car door then got out. I got out of the car and walked inside behind Scott.

I got to my room took my shoes off and grabbed clothes to shower. I took a quick shower brushed my teeth changed my clothes and headed back to my room. Before I opened the door I could here my bedroom window slide open. I ran to Scott's room because I didn't know who it was.

"Scott" I quickly opened his door. "Can u check if someone's in my room I herd the window open I think" I said in the doorway. He got up from his bed and sped walk down the hallway to my room. Before opening the door he looked at me and took a deep breath in.

He opened the door, and we saw stiles. Scott ran over to stiles and shoved him. "I'm going to kill you" Scott said angrily.

"Scott just let me talk to him" I said pulling my brother off of stiles. Scott looked at me and walked out of the room shutting the door.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I- I- just couldn't fall asleep like this" he mumbled.

"Like what?".

"On bad terms with you"he said looking me in the eye, which was rare for him.

"Okay so" I sighed. "What do you want to talk about?" I said sitting on my bed.

"Aurora I- I don't want to be just friends with you. I can't even if I tried. I think about you all the time".

"I don't want to be just friends with you either Stiles I just don't want-" I said stopping myself. I know I couldn't say what I wanted to because it was selfish.

"You don't want to what?" He said "be we with me?".

"No, no stiles that's not it. It's just complicated" I said standing up from my bed.

"What's So complicated you can't tell me" he said walking close to me.

"Stiles I'm just scared to get close to you be- because, if you ever leave or anything-".

"I'm not going to leave you".

"But I don't know that for sure Stiles" I said.

"Well I do" he said back.

"Stiles how do I know you are gonna stay with me if you're still in love with another girl?"I asked.

"I don't love her" he said looking away from me. He always breaks eye contact when he's lying, or when he's nervous, but he's definitely lying. I think, or maybe he's just nervous. No he's lying.


"NO IM NOT" he yelled back and turned away from me. "I don't love Lydia, i never loved Lydia. I loved you but you- you left" he said walking back up to me.

"Then look me in the eye and tell me you don't love her" I demanded. He looked at me with sad eyes.

"I love Lydia, Aurora but- but- the love I feel for you is different."he said looking At me.

"What do you mean different?" I asked.

"What i feel for you is something I don't think I've ever felt before Aurora. Every time you laugh I wish I was the one causing it. The twinkle you get in your eyes when people complement you. The growing courage in your face when you get an answer right in class. You are the prettiest girl I've ever seen. And I think I love you, like a lot. Possibly more then you could ever love me." I stood there so close to him I could feel his body warmth radiating off onto me.

"And it's okay if you don't believe me about Lydia, because I know In the end, it will always be you that I feel these things for, not Lydia" he said looking down At me.

"You- you love me?" I asked. I've been back for almost 2 months how did this happen between us so fast?

"Yeah" he let out a tiny smile. I stood on my toes and grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him. He snaked his hands around my waist and pulled me against him. He kissed me back softly and slow. And ran his hands up my back and into my hair kissing me.

Just when we were getting somewhere the bedroom door cracked open. "Hey are you guys oka-" Scott said peeking his head through the door. "JESUS" he yelled quickly shutting the door.

Me and stiles look at each other and burst into laughter.

"Stiles are you gonna stay or-" I asked after the laughing died down.

"If it's okay with you?" He asked.

"Of course it's okay with me" I laughed.

"Good because I really didn't want to go home" he said taking off his shoes.

I turned off my lamp and got in bed next to stiles. I wrapped my arms around him like he was a stuffed animal and buried my face in his neck.

My brothers best friend ||STILES STILINSKI||Where stories live. Discover now