In the Order

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Grimmauld place was rather dreary, but the morning sun was welcoming to Severia. She rolled towards it and let it shine against her skin before getting up to wake Hermione.

"Mione? Good morning." Severia whispered. It reminded her of the time she woke Ruby. She was looking forward to the year ahead of her so that she could spend more time with Ruby as well as the Golden Group.

"Oh, Severia! What a lovely sight to see in the morning." Hermione smiled. Severia turned away and laughed softly at the compliment.

They got dressed and went to the dining room where Harry, Tonks, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, Mr. Weasley, and Mrs. Weasley sat at a long, wooden table. Ginny and Severia hadn't seen each other since the fight. This was apparent considering how tense the room had gotten when they made eye contact.

Severia ignored her then sat down across from Harry and next to Hermione.

"Hi." Harry said looking at her.

"Hello again." Severia said keeping her eyes on her cereal.

"You look nice." Ron said to Severia and Hermione glared at him before returning to her food as well.

"I haven't even done my hair, Ron." Severia said back, joking with him.

"I like it." Harry said then blushed. Almost immediately, Ginny spilled her pumpkin juice.


Once it was cleaned up, Sirius entered the room.

"Why hello there! How's my favorite godson?" He said walking towards Harry.

"Hello, Sirius." Harry said, anxiously. Severia didn't find this uncommon, but kept staring at him to find the reason why.

"Could you tell my mom to let us to know what's going on?" Ron said sarcastically and Mrs. Weasley glared at him.

"I don't see why not?" Sirius said.

"No! Sirius, they are too young." Mrs. Weasley said.

"But we have already been fighting him!" Harry said in protest. This argument continued for awhile, ultimately ending in Harry, Ron, and Hermione getting to hear the Order's plans.

"Come on, Severia, let's go upstairs." Mrs. Weasley called her. Severia sighed, and turned her head to face her.

"Mrs. Weasley, I would like to stay as well. Dumbledore requested that I come here, so I think I should listen." Severia said gently.

"But, Severia, I promised—" Mrs Weasley started.

"She saved my life, Mrs. Weasley. She deserves to be here." Harry said, defending her. Mrs. Weasley gave in and left the room.

Severia looked at Harry and smiled, it was her way of expressing her thanks. Then Sirius began to explain.

"The Order of the Phoenix believes that Voldemort is rebuilding his army." Sirius began.

"Death Eaters can resist him, right?" Severia asked, remembering the mark on her fathers arm.

"They can, but Voldemort will know. Especially because of his role." Sirius said flatly.

"His former role." Severia corrected him. "My father isn't with him anymore. He even sent me here." Sirius nodded slowly and continued. Finally, he told them the Order's new theory.

"We think he's looking for a secret weapon." He said.

"Like what?" Hermione asked.

"Probably something dangerous." Ron said. Severia rolled her eyes at Ron's reply. "Of course it's dangerous, Ron." She thought.

Severia SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now