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The time finally came for the Triwizard Tournament to officially begin. Ron and Hermione expressed their worries to Severia who had slipped away from her Slytherin friends.

"He knows that there will be dragons, Hagrid told him so." Hermione said nervously. "I just hope the summoning charm works."

"If his broom doesn't come, he better hope for a first aid kit." Ron said while staring at the tent the participants were in.

"Ron! Oh don't say that!" Hermione shouted at him. The Professors had began to fill in the stadium. Severia spotted her tall father through the crowd.

"Okay, okay. Why don't you two go find your seats? I am going to talk to my father. Meet up again after?" She said to them.

"Sure." Ron said after shooting a look at Hermione. The two of them ran off to the stands while Severia approached her father.

"Father? Could I ask you something?" She said low enough for only him to hear.

"Now?" He said, confused.

"Yes, now. Could I talk to Harry? I only need five minutes." She said quickly. At this, Severus furrowed his brows.

"See Potter? Why would you want to do that?" He asked her slowly. Even if the rest of the Slytherins knew not to speak unkindly of the friendship between Harry, Ron, Hermione and Severia, Severus would have no problem questioning his own daughter.

"He is my friend, father. Hermione said that he was so nervous. He couldn't even eat breakfast." Severia said firmly. She knew that her father never thought highly of the Golden Trio, but regardless of the way Snape treated them and the fact that they were in rival houses, they still made time for her.

"Quite idiotic of him, really." Snape said under his breath and Severia chose to ignore it. "Fine. five minutes is all."

She nodded and ran towards the tent. When she pulled the curtain aside, she saw the four of them standing there. They stared at her confused, but not willing to address it. Their minds were far more focused on the dragons.

"Harry? Are you alright?" She asked him quietly.

"I think so." He said unconvincingly.

"How do you feel about the charm? Hermione said you've gotten quite good at it." She said, trying to fight off her worries.

"I guess I have. I just hope that I don't forget it." He said with more honesty than the last time he spoke.

"Remember your promise." She said sternly.

"I promise to remember my promise." He joked.

Severia frowned slightly as her father called her. It was time.


Severia, Ruby, Pansy, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle sat in the stands together. Draco and Pansy seemed to be ignoring each other since that night in the common room. Severia still kept her distance from Draco. They watched Cedric, Viktor and Fleur battle their dragons and secure the egg. The only wizard left was Harry.

"This will be good, won't it?" Pansy said excitedly to Goyle.

"Maybe he will just let the dragon eat him." Draco hoped aloud.

"Enough from you two." Ruby said. This surprised the group. It was expected from Severia, but Ruby had remained indifferent up until this point. Severia smiled and whispered her thanks to Ruby.

Severia watched as Harry walked onto the field. The dragon was flapping her enormous wings at him. She watched him pull out his wand say something. No one could hear what he said, but Ron, Hermione and Severia all knew it was the summoning charm.

As the broom flew towards him, he ran around avoiding the dragon's tail. Of course Harry would be the one to get the largest dragon of the bunch. Once he caught his broom, the real fight began.

He flew above, below, to the left, and to the right. He distracted the dragon long enough to obtain the egg. The first task was complete.

Severia and Ruby ran down to the tent that the wizards were in. They saw Ron and Hermione just as they reached it. Ruby smiled at the others and decided to wait for Severia outside.

"Harry!" Severia exclaimed, "You've done it!" Without thinking she threw her arms around Harry. He tensed up, then hugged her back. Ron and Hermione hugged the two of them so that all four of them were wrapped around each other. When Severia pulled back from Harry, she smiled again. He smiled too, but it was slightly less confident than hers.

"I can't believe you didn't die, mate!" Ron said grinning.

"Neither can I!" Harry said, starting to laugh.

Hermione and Severia looked at them in shock before joining in on their laughter. Soon enough it was time to listen to the results.

"He had really done it! Harry Potter completed the first task!" Severia thought as the speaker began their announcements. She was extremely proud of her friend. She couldn't believe that after all of the late nights, the first task was over. She would be able to sleep properly again, at least until the second task.

"She had really hugged me. Severia Snape gave me a hug." Harry thought, "I'm sure she only did it because I could've died. Even Ron hugged me, that was strange too." Harry pushed these thoughts out of his mind as he heard the scores being read. Harry placed second behind Cedric Diggory.

"I'm proud of you, Harry." Severia whispered to him.

Harry beamed more at this than his score.

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