Welcome To Hogwarts

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As they walk through the front doors, Severia feels the knot in her stomach twist tighter. She peers into what she assumes to be "The Great Hall" and her knees buckle at the thought of every seat filled with students. She sways and stumbles into her father who, of course, was ready to catch her.

"Severia? Are you alright my dear?" He says with concern.

"I uh- yes. I'm okay, father, I just lost my balance for a moment." Severia said unconvincingly, but Severus let it slide.

Once Severia regained her balance they made their way to Snape's office. It was surprisingly warm for being in the basement. The decor was just how she imagined it. Dark, dreary and almost depressing. Regardless, she loved it. "So this is the classroom I so longed for." She thought.

"Welcome to my classroom. Through this door is my office, you may sit in here. Do not touch, break or write on anything. No magic for any reason-" Snape said.

"But what if-" Severia cut him off.

"For any reason." Snape said in a tone that told Severia not to test him. After all, this was his classroom. He's not only her father, but her professor. She would have to get used to this new dynamic.

"The students should arrive at any moment. Please, Severia, be on your best behavior." Snape said gently.

"I wouldn't ever disappoint you, father." Severia said honestly. Given, she has never had the chance to.

"Alright then, I will see you for dinner." He said turning towards the exit.

"Goodbye!" Severia called after him as he closed the door tightly.

She walked around the room, not touching the items, just observing their mystery. Even though she had been taught at home, she hadn't had all of the resources that a classroom did.

"Fascinating, absolutely fascinating." She whispered to herself.

Once she had seen every vile and bottle twice, she decided to sit in the office as instructed. She waited for what felt like days. She checked the clock every thirty seconds, noticing that it had only been 45 minutes since her father left.

"How long does it take to prepare a proper introduction-" she paused, "a-an i-introduction."

She hadn't thought of the fact that she would be the only new student. That she would have to walk in front of everyone alone. That every eye would be on her. For someone with such a hard exterior, she had to admit she was anxious. She was used to being the center of her father's attention, but not an entire school's. She had never even step foot in a school until today.

"No matter"  she thought, "While I have everyone's attention, I might as well enjoy it."

Just then, she heard the long awaited knock. She ran to the door and swung it open.

"Good evening Miss Snape." said a short woman with a witch's hat.

"I am Professor McGonagall, I will be escorting you to dinner tonight. Are you ready to go?" She said.

Severia looked around to make sure nothing was out of place, then her eyes landed on her bags.

"Actually, Professor McGonagall, what should I do with my things?" Severia asked.

"Oh leave them here, I will have them moved to your room once you are sorted into your house."

"Oh right, the sorting." She had almost forgotten.

"Then yes, I am ready to go." Severia said after a moment.

"Wonderful." McGonagall said.


They arrived at the Great Hall's doors. McGonagall had instructed Severia to wait here until the doors swing open for her. Minerva had to return to her table through the other entrance or she would've walked Severia to the front of the room.

She could hear Professor Dumbledore's voice booming throughout the hall. He was the only other person she had ever met. While he couldn't visit often, it meant everything to her.

Suddenly the doors creaked and swung towards her. It was time for her life to change.

"Please join me in welcoming our newest student, Severia Snape!" Dumbledore said happily.

The rest of the students whispered while they looked around for her. Then one Hufflepuff caught a glimpse of her and the room went silent. Severia walked in with her head held high. She tried to control the bounce in her step as she approached Dumbledore.

"Severia is fourteen years old, which means she belongs with the fourth years." Dumbledore announced. "Now, it is time to see which house she will be sorted into."

She tried to ignore the stares and the whispers that were filling the room. She hadn't even thought about the house that she wanted to be in. She was so caught up in meeting new people that she completely forgot the main way to do so, through your house.

As Dumbledore put the Sorting Hat on her head she heard it speak to her.

"Hmmm, you're a little late aren't you dear?" The hat said.

"I guess I am." She replied flatly.

"You have the kindness of a Hufflepuff, but the wit of a Ravenclaw. Your bravery may place you in Gryffindor. However, all of these things belong to SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouts.

Her face went red as this decision was made, of course she would be in Slytherin. There was no need to worry, yet part of her wondered if she had been different.

Snape stood and cheered as his daughter was sorted into the house that he was head of. She shook Dumbledores hand and hugged her father before sitting next to a brunette girl and a blond boy at the Slytherin table.


They had finished eating when Dumbledore made one final announcement. There would be a Triwizard Tournament hosted by Hogwarts. Many students were disappointed when this was only available for students who were older than 17. Their spirits shifted once the students from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute arrived.

"What a way to start your first year, huh?" said the brunette next to Severia.

"I guess so. I-I'm Severia." She said nervously.

"I know who you are." she laughed, "I'm Ruby, I'm also a fourth year."

"And I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy." The blond boy across the table said.

"Don't waste your time on him, Severia, he's no good for you." She said this with a smile which confused Severia, but she ignored it.

"She has no idea what she's talking about. Now Severia, if you stick with me, you'll be untouchable." He said slyly.

Ruby rolled her eyes and laughed. Severia took this as an opportunity to laugh it off too. She was in no position to be making difficult decisions, especially when the decision involved a boy like Draco. She had heard stories about him through her father. He really was trouble, but she wasn't sure if she minded that.

Severia SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now