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It was a late night of studying in the Slytherin common room for Severia. Snape had told her not to stay up too long, even if he knew she wouldn't listen. She had been memorizing spells for hours, long after the rest of the house had gone to bed.

She felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see none other than Draco Malfoy standing over her.

"Hey, Severia." He said in a low voice.

"Oh sorry, If you want to be alone I'll just head to my dorm. It's late anyways." Severia said quickly, trying to gather her things.

"No, don't go." He called softly. This was a new tone of voice for Draco. It made Severia freeze at the girls' dormitory door.

She turned around to face him, setting her books on the nearest table. They stared at each other for while, not knowing who should speak next.

"Severia," He said slowly, "why won't you let me talk to you? It's been weeks since that night. Pansy is an idiot. She has no idea what she's talking about, you know that. Don't you?"

If Severia was being honest, she had no idea what he was talking about. Of course she remembered that night in the common room, but what did he think she heard?

"Fine, don't talk to me then. Just listen, okay? That night, when you saw Pansy and I talking, she had told me how she felt about me. She asked me if I felt the same and- and I lied." He said.

"What have I got to do with this?" She asked coldly.

"I told her that I liked her when in reality, I didn't." He hung on these words for awhile, waiting for some sort of reaction from her. She wouldn't give him one. "This was what she urged me to tell you. She wanted everyone to know that her and I liked each other, so when she saw you she couldn't help herself. But I couldn't bring myself to lie to you. So when you ran off to be with him, I told Pansy that I never wanted her to speak to me again." He didn't look at Severia when he said this.

"She was angry, of course. She asked me what made me change my mind and I still couldn't admit it. So I told her that it would never work. I just wanted to be left alone." He looked down at her, "Why would you walk away? Was Potter really that important to you? Since when has he mattered? What would your father say?"

Severia's head snapped up to look at him.

"You know nothing about me or my father, Malfoy." She spat. She walked towards him, that same hatred she had felt before was now directed Draco. "Don't you ever speak about him like that, my father loves me. Just because your father won't give you the freedom to speak to anyone who isn't a pure blood does not mean mine is the same. Thankfully, he actually respects me."

"Severia, I-" Draco started.

"I am speaking, Draco." She rose her voice to cut him off. "And for Harry, I don't want to hear another word about him. He is my friend, my best friend. I won't listen to you talk about him like that. Do you understand me?" She finished.

"Y-yes." He said in almost a whisper.

"Goodnight, Draco." She said, turning to grab her books once again. She tried to steady her breathing.

"I like you." He said, almost like he was pleading with her to stay. She kept her back turned to him.

"What did you just say to me?" She said, her temper rising again.

"I like you, Severia." He said, finally finding his voice.

Her mind raced. She had just told him off for disrespecting those she cared for, and now he felt that it was the perfect time to mention this? He was arrogant, rude and selfish. She hated him for the way he made her feel these past few months. Always pushing her away and pulling her back. She knew that there was a right and a wrong choice, but it'll remain a mystery as to which is which.

"I like you too." She said, finally.

Severia SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now