"I didn't know you ran through here?" Tessa said. They were in a back wood park woodsy trail with a stream and little river not to far away with town only being a good fifteen minutes down the trial and the trail only being about ten minutes from her place. "Yeah, I mean when I can. Other wise I get stuck going through the main park and man those moms, and health nut chicks are a little scary. I can see why Tre' has so many issues with trying to find a sane woman, besides you and the girls, I'm convinced they aren't any." Keith said with a laugh scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah like the old saying all the great ones are always taken. I can happy vouch for that." Xavier said as he leaned down to lightly kiss her lips. Making her smile deeply. "You guys should watch out with all your flattering compliments don't need my head to fill so big can't get through the office door. Don't worry Keith I have a good feeling that there is the perfect woman who is just the perfect amount of crazy for you." She said rubbing Keith's shoulder in a friendly manner. "Thanks for the load of confidence there Tessa. Hey before I let you go, has ugh Corban talked to you yet." She shook her no. "Ok well I was wondering if maybe you wanted to have lunch with me Monday. I wanted to talk to you about some things, you know all shop talk I swear. I just got to run some things by you." Keith said. "Yeah sure I can swing that and try to help you the best I can." She said with a shrug and a nod.

"Ok, great thanks. Well I'll just leave y'all to it. Have a good morning." Keith said as he took off running put his ear piece back in his ear. "We should head back baby, I got to be at the shop soon." Xavier said pulling her close to him kissing her lightly. "Ok, sounds great you only have a half day today right?" She asked. "Yup only half day. Do you want to stay over at mine tonight?" He asked with that cute little hopeful look in his eye and he knew she couldn't say no. "That sounds great . Just text me when your heading home. I'll meet you there." They started jogging back. "Make sure you pack up some stuff, I got everything cleared for your sexy ass a couple weeks back." He said playfully with a smack on her butt making her blush. "You look cute as hell when you blush like that for me baby." He said in is low deep husky voice.

Making her just shake her head and pick up her place making him laugh eternally. "Come on boy. Let's get her home." He said to Arlo who happily picked up his pace. After getting her home, he took Arlo home and got him situated in the back yard, and went to work. She was just sitting there when Tre' came in the door. "Tessa, Corban wants to talk to us." He said holding his phone out. "Hey Dr. Holdmen. How you doing this fine Saturday?" She said playfully. "What have I told you to call me?" He said in the dominant voice. "I'm sorry Corban." She said laughing making him chuckle on the other end.

"Look I don't have a lot of time, I got called away to work on a special case about ten hours away so I will be there for three months, I have had all the patients refereed to other specific doctors while I am away and I have each of you going to a different office so they would have the extra help, and back ground on each of the patients. SO each of you will be going to a different doctor. Except Lola and Rosie. Dr Greg is going to need both of them. Dr. Morgan, and Stone will call one of you and than Dr. Eddie will call the other. So I have to run and start my long ass drive if anything pops up or you get a bad feeling or opinion on one of our patients you call me. You understand?" Corban asked in is authorative tone. "YES SIR, DADDY SIR!" Tre' shouted through the phone.

"Boy you call me Daddy one more time I will belt you like you one." Corban said. "Ohh daddy likes it rough." Tre said to Tessa who snorted out a laugh. "I'm hanging up. Be good call if you need anything." Corban said as he hung up. "Huh, that's what Keith must have meat this morning. We ran into him jogging and he said he wanted to have lunch with me on Monday asking if I have talked to Corban. Guess we get Monday off? Unless they call us to come in and work sooner right?" "Guess so." Tre' said. "I got to go my cousin will be here soon I'm going to his mama house it's her dog's birthday tomorrow? Did you want to come?" "I can't this time but I will her birthday." Tessa said with a smile. Pulling out a big bag of boneless skinless chicken breast and a bunch of other things. He watched and his mouth dropped. "Damn you going to make this shit when I'm leaving you know this is one of my top ten meals by you. You messed up. Thought you loved me." Tre' said sadly.

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