I was sitting on a recliner in an apartment drinking tea. There was a woman named May sitting on the sofa with Tony. They were flirting. It was unbearable. Tony made me put on some dorky outfit. I was wearing glasses and a button-up plaid shirt with tan 'cackies'. He said I needed to look like a camp counselor. Whatever that meant. I heard someone unlock the door. I looked over. A kid entered. " Hey May," He said as he walked into the kitchen. " Hey" May answered. " How was school today?" She asked. I watched the kid walk around the apartment. He didn't notice Tony nor I. " It was okay," He said. " There's this crazy car parked outside..." he said finally noticing Tony and I. Tony was eating something called walnut bread. It looked miserably dry. " oh, Mr. Parker." Tony said looking at him. " um..." The kid said. He pointed at Tony and I. He walked forward. " What are you doing... Hey! Uh, I'm Peter" he said to Tony. He was stammering. He looked at me and smiled. I nodded. " Tony," Tony said. He looked at me. " Axel," I said nodding. Peter nodded his head. " What are you- what are you doing here?" He asked crossing his arms in an uncomfortable way. I could just feel the awkwardness coming off of this kid. " It's about time we met. You've been getting my emails, right?" Tony said while winking. " Yeah. Yeah." Peter said nodding his head. " Right?" Tony asked. " Regarding the..." Peter said looking between everyone. " You didn't even tell me about the grant," May said. She was Peters's aunt. " The September Foundation," Tony said. " Right," Peter said. " yeah," Tony said. " Remember when you applied?" I asked getting annoyed by all this banter. Peter looked at me. He nodded. " I approved, so now we're in business," Tony said. Peter looked between Tony and I. " but you didn't tell me anything. What's up with that? You keeping secrets from me now?" May asked. Tony spit his tea back into his cup. I thought the tea was nice. " Well, I just know how much you love surprises so I thought I would let you know... Anyway, what did I apply for?" Peter asked. " That's what We're here to has out," Tony said. " Okay. Hash it out, okay." Peter said. I stood up. " It's so hard for me to believe that she's someone's aunt," Tony said. I rolled my eyes. May laughed. " Yeah, well, we come in all shapes and sizes, you know?" She said. " This walnut date loaf is exceptional," Tony said. Peter looked worried. " Let me just stop you there." Peter said. " yeah." Tony said looking at him. " Is this grant got money involved or whatever? No?" Peter asked rubbing his hands together. " Of course," I said crossing my arms. " Can we have five minutes with him?" Tony asked.

We were in Peter's room. It wasn't very big. Tony spit out the walnut date loaf into the trash. " As walnut date loaves go, that wasn't bad," He said. " Whoa, what have we here? Retro tech, huh?" Tony said looking at the computer in the corner of the room. " Thrift store? Salvation army?" Tony asked pointing at the stuff. " Uh, the garbage, actually," Peter said. He turned and looked at me then back to Tony. I sighed. " Tony. I'm sorry I can't wear these anymore they are hurting my eyes" I said taking off the glasses. I wiped the makeup off my face with a tissue. Peter's eyes went wide as he looked at me. " What?" I asked. " You-You're the um, You're the Night-Wolf," He said looking at me. I nodded. " Which means?" He asked looking at Tony. " Quick question of the rhetorical variety. That's you, right?" Tony asked showing Peter a recording of a man swinging around by webs. " Um, no," Peter said shaking his head. He was obviously lying. " Yeah. Look at you go." Tony said. " Wow! Nice cath. 3,000 pounds, 40 miles an hour. That's not easy. You got mad skills. Though I bet Wolfie over there could catch three times that but that's not important" He said. Peter looked over at me. " That's all on youtube, though, right? I mean that's where you found that? Because you know that's all fake. It's all done on the computer." Peter said walking over to his dresser. "Mmm-hmm," Tony said. He glanced at me. He looked up. I looked up. There was an attic. I walked forward. I pushed on the hatch. A suit attached by a string dropped down. " What have we here?" Tony asked. Peter grabbed the suit and threw it into his closet. "It's uh..." He said. " So. You're the Spider-ling. Crime-fighting Spider. You're Spider-boy?" Tony said. " S-Spider-man." He said. "Not in that onesie, you're not." Tony's aid. " give the kid a break, Tony. He's not a rich asshole" Is aid walking forward. He looked at me. " It's not a onesie," Peter said. " I can't believe this. I was actually having a really good today, Mr. Stark, Ms. Wolf" He said walking over to his table. Tony picked up the suit. " Didn't miss my train, this perfectly good DVD player was just sitting there... and Algebra test nailed it," he said. Tony picked something out of the suit. " Who else knows? Anybody?" Tony asked. " Nobody," Peter said while shaking his head. " Not even your unusually attractive aunt?" Tony said. " No. No. No! If she knew, she would freak out." Peter said. He had a screwdriver in his hand. Tony sat down. " You know what I think is really cool? This webbing" Tony said throwing a jar at Peter. He caught it. He turned and looked at Tony. " The tensile strength is off the charts," Tony said. " Who manufactured that?" I asked. " I did," He said then threw the jar into the closet. " Climbing walls, how you doing that?" Tony asked looking at the suit's hands. " Adhesive gloves?" I asked. " It's a long story. I was-" " Lordy! Can you even see in these?" Tony asked lifting the goggles up to his face. I smiled slightly. " Yes, I can," Peter said. " I'm blind!" Tony shouted looking through the goggles. Peter grabbed the suit and stuffed it into the closet. " I- I can see in those. Okay? It's just that when whatever happened, happened... it's like my senses have been dialed to 11. THere's way too much input, so they just kinda help me focus." He said. " Tints to block out the oversaturated lighting," I said smiling. Peter pointed at me. " Yes!" He said. I nodded. " I was the same way when I first came out of the box. Everything dialed down though. My body adjusted. The serum set in with my human biology" I said approaching Peter. I grabbed his hand. He was stiff. I stuck my hand against his. My hand was way bigger than his. I tried pulling out hands apart. " You doing that on purpose?" I asked. " Sorry," He said then unstuck. " No, no. Don't be. That's actually what I wanted to happen" I said. He looked back at Tony. " You're in dire need of an upgrade. Systemic, top to bottom, hundred-point restoration. That's why we're here." He said. Peter walked over and sat on his bed. I sat down on a stool. " Why are you doing this?" Tony asked. Peter didn't respond. " I gotta know, what' your MO? What gets you outta that twin bed in the morning?" Tony asked. " Because... Because I've been me my whole life, and I've had these powers for six months." he said. I nodded. " I read books, I build computers. And- And yeah, I would love to play football, but I-I couldn't then, so I shouldn't now." He said. "Sure, because you're different." I said. " Exactly. But I can't tell anybody that, so I'm not." He said. Tony pointed at me. I looked over at him. " She's the same way. She's been playing by the rules her whole life. Well... Sort of. The point is. She could have gone against the rules and helped the people she cares about. Instead. She did what she thought was right. Even if it was the same thing she's been doing for forever" Tony said leaning forward. I sighed. Peter looked at me. " If you can choose to save people. But you don't. And then bad things happen. The bad things happen because of you" He said. " So you wanna lookout for the little guy. You wanna do your part. Make the world a better place, all that, right?" Tony asked. " Yeah, yeah, just looking out for the little guy" Peter replied nervously. Tony stood up. " I'm gonna sit here, so you move the leg. Axel sit on the other side" He said. I sighed and stood up and sat next to Peter. Tony put his hand on Peter's shoulder. " you got a passport?" Tony asked. " No, I don't even have a driver's license," Peter said. tony made eye contact with me. " You ever been to Germany?" Tony asked. "No." Peter responded. " oh, you'll love it" Tony responded. " I can't go to Germany." Peter said. " Why?" I asked leaning forward. " I got homework." Peter responded. " I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that." Tony said. " No- No, I'm being serious. I can't just drop out of school." Peter said. Tony stood up. " might be a little dangerous. Better tell Aunt Hottie I'm taking you on a field trip." Tony said going to unlock the door. Peter stood up. He shot webs at Tony's hand. " Don't tell Aunt May." Peter said pointing at Tony. " All right, Spider-Man." Tony said. We were all silent. " get me out of this" Tony said. " Sorry. I'll get the uh." Peter said walking into his closet.

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