10: Arrest

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Izuku grabbed his coat, and gave Katsuki his. He had spent the night at his mother's house, after introducing his boyfriend to her. 

"It was nice to meet you, K.B!" Inko cheered, shaking his hand. "You too, miss Midoriya." Bakugou nervously let out. 

Izuku smiled and opened the door, ready to walk out, but was surprised to see a whole S.W.A.T team standing outside the door, and barging inside the house, and cuffing Bakugou's hand behind his back. "Wha-?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Izuku yelled, seeing his boyfriend struggle under the grip of the officer. 

"Kacchan, you're getting arrested for murder of over 100 civilians. You're lucky if you don't get executed, pal." The officer said, pushing the blonde outside the door, and into their van. 

Midoriya was shocked... had Katsuki's disguise not worked? How did the police find him after so many years of remaining under radar?! His mom must have been the one to find out...

Izuku started fidgeting around... Bakugou had killed, but so had the greenette. Did the cops know about both of them?! Midoriya ran out the house, and clutched onto Katsuki's arm. "Deku- What're you doing?!" Katsuki whispered, leaning closer to the boy. 

"I don't want you guys to take Katsuki away from me! I love him! He's not a bad person at all! Sure, he kills people, but we kill animals! Why don't we go to jail for killing living things too?!" Izuku cried, unsure of what he was saying. All he wanted was for Bakugou to be set free.

"Mister Midoriya, if you don't move out the way, I'll have to arrest you." One of the cops said, as he tried to close the van door, to lock Bakugou inside. 

"Well arrest me then!" Izuku yelled, handing his wrists to the officer. 

The man glanced at Inko, who was staning next to her house, confused on why her son would do this. 

The man then sighed, and pulled out another pair of handcuffs, cuffing Midoriya's hands together, and signing him to enter the van. Izuku quickly climbed into the vehicle, and sat next to the blonde. "You're an idiot, Deku." Katsuki grumbled. "I'm not! I wasn't going to let you get taken away like this." Midoriya pouted, with a proud smirk. 

Bakugou looked away as the van started moving. "Thank you. I most likely won't be lonely, with you around."


-Sucky Author

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