Just so you guys know, the products I used are completely harmless and temporary. I'm a prankster, not a cruel person.

Then I exited his room as well. The time now was around 6am. I went downstairs and put one last camera near the dining table as I know the magic of my pranks will happen there only. Then I saw Martha, the head maid, entering the kitchen and I followed her.

"Good morning." I greeted and startled, she turned around.

"Oh ma'am! Good morning." She greeted back after the moment of shock.

"Martha, we talked about this. Don't call me ma'am. I'm not that old and you're older than me. So you'll call me Vivian only." I stated.

"Force of habit ma-Ms. Vivian." She corrected herself.

"Ugh guess I'll have to work with Ms. Vivian only." I said throwing my hands up dramatically with a smile on my face to which she chuckled.

"Well, what are you doing?" I asked a moment later.

"I was going to prepare breakfast. I'm the one who makes the food mostly while sometimes Sir Lucas prepares food." She replied.

"Well then, you're free for now. I want to make the breakfast. Can I please do it?" I asked with puppy dog eyes. At first she was reluctant to agreeing but after a minute, she agreed and left to do some cleaning.

Chef Vivian, time to appear.

I first grabbed an apron and put it on. Then I connected my phone to the speakers and played one of my favorite playlists. I started making the breakfast then while swaying to the music.

One hour later

I have almost finished making everything and am about to go and set the table. The rain has also stopped now. It took me an hour because I may or may not have had two or three dance battles with the spatula. Don't judge.

Savage Love (Laxed - Siren Beat) by Jason Derulo was playing while I flipped the last pancake on the pan. Me being me, I started swaying again. After I put the said pancake on a plate, I started really dancing while holding the spatula as a mic and singing.

At a beat, I took a full spin and then turned around only to yelp in surprise and shock. There stood Lucas, watching me, amusement in his eyes.

"Hey! Since when have you been here?" I question while tilting my head.

"About 5 minutes. I have to say, you're a good dancer." He said, laughter in his voice.

I gave him a blank look in return to which he chuckled.

Then I said, "Well thanks Bear. Now take these dishes and put them on the table." I ordered.

"Bear?" It's his turn to tilt his head now.

"Yeah. It's your nickname." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"But why bear?" He enquired again.

"My dear brother, you're kinda like a mamma bear in the house, a grizzly bear when you're mad, that's according to papá and a cuddly bear to me since your hugs are amazing. Hence, Bear." I explained while smiling.

"Wow, innovative!" He said.

I did a dramatic bow in response while saying thanks.

Then we both carried all the dishes I made towards the dining table. We laid the stuff down there and then Bear eyed the whole feast.

So I may have went a tad bit overboard with all the variety I made. The dishes on the table included vegetable sandwiches, cheese sandwiches, chocochip pancakes, pineapple pancakes, plain pancakes, a fruit bowl, a big jug of coffee and some more small stuff.

"I don't think you left anything on the vegetarian breakfast menu." Bear commented.

"Well I didn't know what everyone likes and I had time so I made everything." I shrugged.

"Clearly everything." He gestured to the table and at this, I playfully glared at him.

After about 5 minutes, I saw papá and Cal coming down the stairs and towards the table.

"Hey estrella."

"Good morning hermanita."

They both greeted me to which I greeted back with a hug and 'good morning'. Then we all sat down at the table and waited for the triplets to come down. Papá was at the head of the table, Cal to his right, Bear to his left and I was sitting to the right of Cal.

"Wow! Today seems special considering Martha made so many things." Papá said once seated, gesturing towards the dishes on the table.

"This isn't Martha's doings dad. Today's breakfast has been made by tiger." Lucas told him.

"Really? I didn't know you cook." Papá exclaimed, directing the comment towards me.

"Actually I really like cooking and I'm decent in it as well. I woke up early today so thought of making breakfast." I explained with a smile. That's when River came and sat down next to me, more like slumped next to me, with his head on the table, most probably already asleep.

"She dances as well." Lucas added.

"Hey! Well yeah that's true. But in my defence, I was in my element when cooking." I defended.

That caused everyone on the table to laugh. Then, from the corner of my eye, I noticed the two stars of today's breakfast coming down the stairs. From the looks of it, they haven't noticed anything on themselves as well as each other.

My two beautiful brothers, who looked like they were sleepwalking, came towards the table and plunked down next to Bear. Looking around, I saw Bear, Cal and papá eyeing these clueless monkeys while River kept sleeping.

Oh! This is gonna be so fun! Hehe.

Oh! This is gonna be so fun! Hehe

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Ahhhhhhh! I have 17.5k views!!!! Me dancing madly here people. I love you all so much!

So how'd you like the chapter? Hehe.

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Till then, Chop Chop, Lollipop!

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