57. The Final Push

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I stared down at my half-eaten dinner, my entire body consumed with anxiety after what had happened. It'd been three days since the incident. Darren took me back to the estate the following morning after Sid had declared I was fine. Sid had tried to pry more information from me, checking on my mental state, trying to decipher what my behavior would be like, especially in the coming future. But I gave him the reassurance he was looking for so he would clear me.

But even as we flew back to the estate, all I could think about was Kayla. I'd given myself an out just in case they somehow managed to find her by telling Darren I never actually saw a body since it was always safe to assume the worst. I just hoped she'd gotten those girls to safety and that she was out of the country by now. Maybe she had even already contacted Jason. It was too much to hope for, especially with it only being a few days.

But now I was back to doing the same fucking thing I hated – waiting. Waiting for the next opportunity. Waiting for the next move. And I knew it would be a long time before that happened. Darren had already banished me back to the estate again, not allowing me to leave unless he and several guards were with me.

After grilling me for what felt like hours, I gave him as much information as I could about Tony and what had happened. I left a lot of it out, simplifying it as best I could without compromising the truth. He seemed to buy it, especially when Scott confirmed the likelihood of my story after his sweep of the building, or at least what was left of it. I never thought there would come a time when I would learn how to properly lie to Darren, but given the scenario, he seemed accepting of my answers.

At least I was given some reprieve since I was technically grieving for the loss of my friend, my dull attitude perfectly acceptable for the time being. There would be no funeral for Kayla. Why would there be? It wasn't like Matt would have one just for himself or for me. But I didn't make an issue of it. I instead honored her memory by dropping some flowers into the ocean at the end of the dock, sending her my best in hopes she would make it. It surprised me that Darren offered his sympathies as he watched the little flowers float away into the distance. His cruel reminder from the shower was not lost on me, but I chose to ignore it. He was a bastard through and through. I couldn't expect anything less.

While he doted on me more than usual, constantly checking on my injuries, he was still fixated on hunting down everyone who worked for Tony's company, ensuring everyone who worked there was either dead or under Darren's control. That didn't take very long to accomplish. Apparently when I destroyed that building and all of its inhabitants, I took away Darren's outlet for his vengeance against those who'd taken me. So without that, he had to find another avenue to ensure his wrath was also heard around the world. I might have destroyed the building and the owner, but he slaughtered the company and made himself captain. He wouldn't have to worry about anyone interrupting my GPS signal again.

"Jaden, you need to finish your plate," Darren reminded me, interrupting me from my thoughts.

I shook my head, tucking my freshly cut hair behind my ears. I was actually grateful that Darren had Anya and Irina come to fix my chopped mess. The ragged ends from my blade weren't exactly my best look. Looking down at the half-eaten potatoes and chicken, my stomach soured. It was a small plate to begin with, but my appetite was particularly smaller at the moment.

"I'm just not very hungry right now."

"You know that excuse doesn't work on me," he answered as he pushed his empty plate away.

I sighed. If only Camaro were allowed at the dinner table with us. She'd clear this plate in a nanosecond.

"How are Clive and Owen?" I asked, attempting a distraction. I knew they were on site, but Darren hadn't cleared them for duty yet since they were still healing from their gunshot wounds. I didn't know why, but I was sort of glad to hear Clive had lived.

Strike ( Book 4: Stronger Series )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora