47. Failure

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Darren didn't return to the hotel that night, and he wasn't there when I woke up the next morning. After seeing Regina with Dominic, I wanted to throw up all over the floor and then murder both of them. Regina had finally proven that she had some intellect, marrying her way into a family that was wealthy, powerful, and incredibly dangerous. After what she pulled on our honeymoon, I knew Darren wanted her dead. I did too, but for far more reasons than that. The ecstasy was just the final nail in the coffin. But now that she was married to Dominic, Darren would be forced to endure her presence, as would I, which was punishment enough as it was.

I didn't understand Darren's concern over Matt's oath that now transferred to Dominic. He would have to avenge the death of his wife anyway to save face, so what difference did it make? Unless Darren knew something I didn't, which was 100% very likely.

So, I would have to tolerate Regina being a bitch again. So what? I'd dealt with far worse. She was nothing but a fucking fly in my air space. Enough swatting and they would eventually find something else to bother.

After taking a quick shower and changing, I headed out to the dining room area for breakfast, passing Clive and Owen as they lounged on the couch, sipping coffee and watching the news in the entertainment room with Camaro at their feet. Ignoring them for the scent of breakfast in the other room, I stopped at the doorway to find the back of a blond head sitting at the table. When she turned around at the sound of my entry, I couldn't help but smile in relief.

"Finally, you're up," Kayla said as she turned back around. "These waffles are to die for. You better get over here before I eat all of them."

Well, she was chipper this morning.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying not to sound too excited as I pulled out the chair next to her.

"Matt said we were going to Vegas. So now I'm in Vegas."

"Naturally," I commented sarcastically, reaching for the last waffle to place on my plate. "But how are you in our suite?"

"Matt dropped me off here about thirty minutes ago. Told me I was getting a little girls' day with you."

"This is news," I said as I sprinkled some blueberries over my waffle and drizzled on the maple syrup.

Kayla nodded in agreement. "You won't hear me complain about it, though."

"Same, but my suspicion won't be dismissed that easily. I can usually tell when I'm being distracted from something." I took a few bites of the waffle, stifling a moan at how damn good it actually was.

Kayla shrugged as she shoved more waffle into her mouth. "So be distracted. From what I understand, you could use it."

I narrowed my eyes at her as I finished chewing. "And what is it exactly that you understand?"

"I know what Regina did," she answered. "Matt sent her away for it with a few bodyguards. I guess she chose Vegas."

"Did you also hear that she married Darren's youngest brother yesterday?"

Kayla dropped her fork and nearly choked on her last bite, coughing heavily before she turned to me, her eyebrows practically touching her hairline.

"Are you serious!" she practically shrieked. When I nodded, sipping on my coffee, she released a heavy breath as her shoulders slumped slightly. "So that's what he was so pissed off about."

"Darren looked like he was going to kill Dominic for a minute."

"Probably would have been a mercy compared to what he's in for."

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