37. Therapy

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When Scott pulled the short limo over in front of the casino, Clive and Owen stepping out first, followed by Mark, another one of the guards who sat up front with Scott. Stepping out, I held my hand out to assist Jaden from the car. Even in a slightly diminished state, she looked absolutely fuckable in the tight dark emerald green cocktail dress I laid out for her. There was a layer of black lace that covered the green fabric, giving it a dark look that suited the occasion. Her hair was pulled to one side in long glossy curls while her the color of her hazel eyes blazed through the smoky eye she'd done. I was a little impressed at how well she kept up with me in those six-inch strappy black heels I picked out, but I stopped caring after I noticed how fucking good they made her legs look.

Jaden was without a doubt the sexiest woman I'd ever laid eyes on. And she was all fucking mine.

I kept her hand in mine and led her through the doors of the casino while our little entourage followed. I decided to leave Camaro back at the hotel since tonight was probably going to end up being problematic, and I didn't need the dog making it worse.

Leading Jaden through the crowded lobby, she kept her head forward and her face passive, ignoring all the eyes that turned toward her as she moved. It made me want to shoot every single one of them in the face for even looking in her direction.

Stopping in front of the elevator, I pushed the button to take us down and stepped inside when the doors opened. Once everyone was inside and the doors closed, I pressed a code into the floor buttons and waited for the elevator to take us down. Jaden narrowed her eyes but said nothing as we descended.

When the doors opened, I took her hand again and led her out into a dark hallway until we came to the well-guarded door I was looking for. The guards nodded silently as they opened the double doors for us. Everyone in this industry knew who the fuck I was. As the king stepping in amongst his disciples, I'd be welcomed with open arms.

As we entered the room, my eyes instantly scanned every corner for every face that was there. Some I recognized; some I didn't. The barroom was dark with no windows, and the air was a little smoky from the smokers at the bar. Black leather couches and chairs were set up here and there, facing a stage to the left of the room. There were several smaller VIP rooms toward the back that I already knew about.

At least forty men were here, including the armed guards that were posted around the room and about fifteen women either already accompanying someone or here for themselves. The men dressed in suits while the women wore barely-there cocktail dresses. It was fitting for the occasion.

I could already feel Jaden tensing beside me as I kept her practically glued to my hip. Her eyes were scanning the room in the same cautious fashion, only her poker face still wasn't that good. Her brows knitted together like they usually did when she didn't like what she was seeing, skepticism marring her beautiful face.

"You didn't tell me we were attending some kind of party," she said quietly.

I loved those little leading statements of hers, the ones that would require me to either deny or confirm her assertion with more information. I wasn't feeling that generous tonight.

"Come on," I said, leading her over to the bar. I ordered us both a glass of whisky, knowing Jaden was going to need a good stiff drink to get through the night. She didn't even wince when she sipped it. Maybe she knew she was going to need it too.

Things were certainly going to get interesting very shortly.

"Davis," someone spoke my name from behind me.

I turned to find Marcus Leoni, the man responsible for tonight's festivities, standing behind me wearing a wide grin on his face. He held his hand out, and I shook it with a warning grip.

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