33. Benched

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The following day, we explored more of France, spending half a day in Cannes enjoying the food, shopping, and scenery, and then the other half at The Méditerranoscope of Fort Sainte Marguerite Island, which was a small aquarium. The island also included Fort Royal, the historical prison fortress that was known for holding the famed Man in the Iron Mask in the 17th century. There were several theories as to whom the mysterious prisoner was, inspiring an array of fictional adaptations that stretched over the centuries until Hollywood finally got a hold of the story. I remembered watching the film The Man in the Iron Mask featuring Leonardo DiCaprio and finding the story fascinating, though completely fictional. Wouldn't it be something else to take one evil man and replace him with his good twin? What a concept.

I refused to allow yesterday's conversation to deter me from showing Darren a good time in public. I smiled often, showered him with affection, and openly reached for his hand without his prompt, leading him through the streets like a woman on a mission. He seemed to respond well, his teasing of me and my childlike mood a good sign. Though he stood out among the crowd with his size and dark demeanor, he was a pretty passable tourist.

The next day was spent in Monte Carlo, Monaco, where we walked the docks of some of the most prestigious yachts around the world. Apparently, Monaco hosted the largest auction for luxury yachts in the entire world, and considering all the yachts in the area, it showed. Of course, nothing held a candle to Darren's Legion. That thing was a floating luxury fortress/ battle station.

Once we had our fill of Monaco, we were off to the next destination along the coast. This time, Darren didn't bother hiding it since it was already pretty obvious. Countdown to Italy, baby.

It took a day and a half before we finally reached the port of our destination, and I was practically ready to jump the rails before the yacht finally docked in Fiumicino. Rome was about a thirty-five-minute drive from there, so I was eager to get our asses moving. Not to mention it was the perfect opportunity for me to act eager and cute to keep Darren's mood agreeable. He seemed to respond well to that behavior, so I fully intended to embrace it.

Three black SUVs were waiting for us at the port, and I didn't think I'd ever ushered Darren toward a car that fast before. Of course, he was amused with my struggles to get him to move faster and purposely dragged his feet like some kind of asshole.

"I swear to God, Darren, I will knock you out and leave you here if you don't move your ass!"

He chuckled as he held my hand, my arm straining as I tried to pull him with me to the car. Eventually, he stopped fighting me and just yanked me toward him instead. His head dipped down to graze his teeth along the juncture between my neck and shoulder.

"Settle down, we'll get there when we get there." He meant it as an order, but his tone was still playful.

"I'd rather get there now," I said with a groan as I watched the guards load the car with our suitcases.

"Keep it up, and I'll make sure Scott drives extra slow," he warned, that sexy glint in his eye as he gave me a mild swat on my ass.

I scoffed. "No need to torture him too."

I watched Camaro hop into the back seat of the SUV that would be driving behind us and wished I could be in the car with her. She didn't like being cramped up on the yacht all this time, so being in an even smaller vehicle wasn't much better, but at least it was only for a short while.

Once customs cleared us, we were finally on our way. The car ride to the hotel was amazing. I had a hard time keeping my grin to myself as I admired the buildings, monuments, and churches as we drove passed them. I was already listing all the places I wanted to see before we left: the Colosseum, Pantheon, Spanish Steps, Vatican City, Piazza Novana, and the list just went on.

When we finally arrived at the hotel, Hassler Roma, my eyes couldn't stay still for a minute. There was just so much to look at, so much to observe and take in, a completely different scenery than I had ever experienced before, and I couldn't wait to explore the city.

"Jaden, come on," Darren called, holding out his hand. I moved to take it, following him into the building while Camaro stepped in stride next to me.

As we walked through the spacious and elegant lobby, the other patrons scowled at Camaro as her paws clicked against the tiled floor. "Darren, are you sure Camaro is allowed in here?" I asked, my eyes scanning the room.

"For what I'm paying, she can use the damn chairs as her personal chew toys," he replied as we headed straight to the elevator.

When we eventually reached our room, I tried hard not to look too impressed, but the flagrant display of Darren's wealth during this entire trip was, quite frankly, disgusting. The huge suite had an impressive décor of Italian artistry yet was modern enough to fit Darren's personality. Bypassing the fancy gray furniture, I headed straight for the massive patio that I knew would lead out to the view I was dying to see.

And it was everything I was hoping for. From way up here, I could see nearly all of Rome, and it was absolutely breathtaking. Camaro jumped up to balance her front paws on the railing to get a glimpse of the view as well, my hands going down to tousle her ears as she barked at the traffic below.

Darren came up behind me, his hands on my hips to pull me back against his chest. "What do you think?" he asked.

I sighed in envy, wishing I could go and explore without any of my tethers or regulations. With the sun getting low, I knew it was close to dinnertime, but all I wanted to do was run around in the city like I had in France.

"I think I want to explore every inch of this city," I replied, my eyes wide with too much excitement.

"Good," he said, reaching around to kiss me on the cheek. "Tomorrow, we'll do all the exploring you want. Right now, it's time for dinner, and then I have some shit to take care of."

I whipped around to glare at him. "Wait, tomorrow? You're going to make me wait till tomorrow?"

Darren lifted a brow. "Oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting your schedule or something?"

"Actually, yes. Camaro and I have a date in front of the Spanish Steps tonight."

He rolled his eyes. "I'm sure she won't mind rescheduling."

I shook my head. "Have you ever seen her mad? She literally eats people's throats out. I'd hate to disappoint her."

"Then I guess we'll just have to lock her up for tonight to avoid a massacre," he replied and then left the patio.

"Oh, come on," I complained, trailing after him. "You can literally see them from up here, and Camaro needs to go for a walk before nighttime anyway. I'll go with Clive and Owen."

"No, Jaden. My team needs to finish their security sweep before it's safe for you to leave."

I blew out an irritated breath as he headed for the door to allow Clive and Owen in. "Now be a good girl and stay put," he said and walked out of the room.

I scowled at the closed door. I was going to make him pay for this first thing in the morning.

"Benched again, cupcake?" Clive snickered.

"Don't make me stab you," I threatened and headed back out to the patio.


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Strike ( Book 4: Stronger Series )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora