15. Threats

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After my lunch with Kayla, I felt uplifted enough to go for a quick run with Camaro, but I made sure to steer clear of the barns. As we ran, we watched the workers begin to set up for tomorrow's ceremony, and I immediately lost my motivation. I didn't really want to see any more wedding preparations.

Heading back into our room, Camaro went straight for her bed as I aimed for the shower, washing away the anxiety that was starting to rise again.

It's just a wedding, Jaden, not an execution. Calm down.

Wasn't it, though?

Hearing the door to the bathroom shut, I turned off the shower and gently pushed the stall door open. My eyes immediately connected with Darren's steel gaze, causing my gut to shrink in surprise. He then raised his arms and held an open towel up for me, encouraging me to step into it. Darren's face remained impassioned as he carefully dabbed my face dry with the corners of the towel before draping it around me completely.

He then leaned against the bathroom counter, folding his arms in front of his massive chest with a blank expression across his face. I felt my fingers clutch the towel tighter to my body. I hated those blank expressions. I couldn't read them very well, and in my position, that was dangerous.

"You have your bachelorette party to attend tonight," he suddenly said.

I fucking snorted.

Recognizing my mistake, I brought my hand to my mouth to cover my laughter, but froze when I realized he wasn't joking.


"Yes, seriously. I planned a little girls' night in for you," Darren said, his voice taking on a tone of amusement.

I furrowed my brows. "And who will be attending?"

Did I have some imaginary girlfriends I didn't know of?

"Kayla, Regina, and Katherine," he answered, a tiny hint of a smirk appearing in the corner of his lips.

The fact that Katherine was included had me intrigued. I didn't even know she was here yet, but I couldn't let Darren see my interest. However, hearing Regina's name on that list had me physically cringing without restraint.

"Is it too late to amend that guest list?"

A soft chuckled rumbled from Darren's throat. "Let me guess. Regina?"


Darren smirked. For some reason, he enjoyed my distaste of his former fuck buddy, but I didn't know why. If I reacted the same way he did about past relationships, she would have been gutted and scattered for the sharks to finish by now. But it wasn't jealousy that made me hate her; she was just a straight up fucking bitch with a bad attitude.

"She'll be on her best behavior tonight. Matt promised," Darren assured.

"So, she'll be slightly less annoying than usual?" I could hardly stand to be around that twat for more than two seconds as it was. She was lucky I tolerated her at all for all the wedding planning she was allegedly doing.

"What's the matter, princess? Are you telling me you can't handle her?" Darren asked, challenge rising in his voice, but I wasn't going to take the bait.

"I don't trust her, Darren. She's nothing but bad news and fake hair."

He laughed again, stepping closer to me and causing my skin to tingle with awareness of his proximity.

"She's not a threat to you, princess. If she were, you wouldn't have to worry about seeing her ever again."

Why was he protecting her? I thought she didn't mean shit to him anymore.

"And if I decide that she is?" I asked, challenge emanating from my voice. I wanted to see how far he would let me take this. Would there be a time when he would let me decide who lives and who dies without his permission?

"Then I'll handle it. She's Matt's cousin. I can't just go killing the close family members of my allies whenever I want."


"No? Afraid of retribution?" I was pushing it now, but this was a topic I wanted to exploit. Darren was being uncharacteristically open right now, and I needed to see how far I could take this, see how much he would reveal.

Darren's eyes went dark, his jaw clenching as he stepped closer to me. My skin continued to warm, my senses aware of the potential danger if I didn't tread carefully.

"Would you like to see how I handle retribution, Jaden?" His voice was soft and low, that dangerous tone sending knots to my stomach, but I remained passive. "If you'd like, you can ask all the bodies I've buried over the years just so you can confirm what you already know."

I narrowed my eyes at him, refusing to be intimidated by his history of violence. "I don't need to confirm anything, Darren. I'm just concerned with how far your 'allies' can push the line before it's crossed."

Darren's brows furrowed. "Not even close to being a concern of yours. Now if you're finished with pushing your fiancé, you need to get ready."

I huffed and turned to leave the bathroom to change. "Fine, but if Regina says one thing to me that pisses me off, I'm knocking her ass out."



Do you think something will happen in the bachelorette party?

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