"I was just helping Jiang Cheng with his hair, Nie-Xiong we are running late, let's hurry up while we can-" Wei Wuxian said hurriedly taking out the pretty adornment.

Jiang Cheng felt a bit of a heavy feeling in his heart when he saw Wei Wuxian take the clip out hurriedly without a second thought, a dull ache that he thankfully was able to ignore.

He agreed quickly and Nie Huaisang nonchalantly takes his best friend's hands and quickly set out the door with a 'Jiang-Xiong come on!'.

He gritted his teeth and followed them. Of course, when he was Wei Wuxian's sworn brother and Nie Huaisang was just his close acquaintance, why should he worry?

He certainly didn't give a damn about civility when it came to his childhood sweetheart. He wasn't corrupt, he was just morally grey.

Just as how Nie Huaisang was devoted to art and painting fans, he was just as devoted to Wei Wuxian.

He soon caught up with the walking duo and joined in their conversation.

They finally reached the sturdy oak doors and realized that they were early as few lan disciples were there along with very few disciples from other sects, if it was just Nie Huaisang and him then they wouldn't be that early but now Wei Wuxian's remarkable punctuality was affecting them too.

Then he noticed an unmistakably handsome face that looked like it was carved from porcelain, unchanging and invincible. His large shoulders and strong muscular built body with piercing golden eyes could physically make anyone shudder with a gaze.

Lan Wangji, the second young master of gusu.

His hair is neatly tied in a gusu lan hairstyle and his sect headband is also tied neatly.

He had almost no imperfections. Almost. The second young master was infamous for being cold as ice and indifferent to everyone, including his brother. It didn't help the fact that the man himself was intimidating as hell so during the rare times he spoke on a matter, his opinion was always highly held.

Lan Wangji was also a highly sought-after bachelor, so obviously, Jiang Cheng just couldn't stand his presence for more than an hour.

He looked back and realized that the room was, even more, quieter, everyone and he meant every one of them was staring at them, more like at Wei Wuxian who returned it with an amused smile.

'That idiot had to go and seduce everyone, didn't he?' Jiang Cheng thought while mentally slapping his forehead.

Jiang Cheng and NieHhuaisang couldn't blame them, after all, Wei Wuxian was someone who had the features of a celestial being, he was mysterious because of how he wore his emotions on his sleeves. This kind of attention was inevitable.

Lan Wangji then turned around, catching the eyes of Wei Wuxian.

The disciples could only stare with their mouths open as Wei Wuxian said a quick apology and goodbye to the young masters that he previously entered with and went over to sit next to lan Wangji.

But it wasn't the apology or goodbye that had Jiang Cheng shocked, it was the fact that they were talking so familiarly with each other. None of them were loud-mouthed and often said things in soft tones so he couldn't hear anything that they were saying but their eyes so soft, he has never seen Wei Wuxian or Lan Wangji's eyes soften like that to anybody before.

Wei Wuxian had never looked at him like that, his eyes never softened as if he was looking at someone who just offered him the entire world in their palms, Wei Wuxian had never looked at him with love, at least not in the way he looked at Lan Wangji right now.

He had never hated Lan Wangji so much until now. Lan Wangji could never be able to worship Wei Wuxian as he deserved to be like him, After all, the second jade never knew how to keep treasures close to him.

'Stupid quiet bastards.', Jiang Cheng thought. before they could say a word, they were suddenly pulled to their seats by lan Qiren himself forcing them to shut up.

Jiang Yanli and Jin Jixuan came inside, they were accompanied by their groups.




Sorry, everyone, I got super lazy near the end.

Again, thank you for being so patient!


I love you all so so much and have an amazing day!! 💗💘

-sincerely, author-san

Prince Wei Of Celestial Mountains /MDZS FANFIC /original/Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin