28th March

322 16 11

Dear Joonie,

Hobi who? I only know Sprite. (Lmao wtf-)

Well, figures out that Jennie and Jisoo are dating. (Correction: Gay Goddess and Queen Jichu)

Hobi said and I quote, "Whatever, I was asexual anyway." Long story short, he changed his last name to Sprite. (It was beautiful... You should've seen it...*sob*)

Jimin simps over Taemin. (Why did I even agree to write your letters-) I don't get why he said no to Taemin. (He's not my type
┐( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)┌ )

Dear Namjoon,

okay, so he was gonna end this letter here smh. Such a dry and boring letter.

I shall bless you with some secret stuff. Did you know that Jin talks to Dandelions and sunflowers on the way home? It's hilariously cute.

He also has a weird hand fetish. Not in a bad way! It's cute uwu. Like... He always needs someone to hold his hand. He's such a baby. A big baby. He's literally twice the size of me but skinnier than me I'm concerned.

Well, my friend back at Daegu had that habit too. He was such a baby, but acted as if he was tough, hated everything and just wanted to die... Yeah I miss him...

Jin and him would have gotten along really well.

Anyway! Enough about me.

Jinnie told me to write that he misses you from the moon and  back Namjoon  :(


& Jimin

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