14th February

279 27 5

Dear Joonie,

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY BEST FRIEND! I love you so much, in a platonic way of course XD.

Remember how we used to spend our valentines all by ourselves and literally raiding all the candy and chocolate shops of Daegu?

At a point girls stopped asking us out because we kept rejecting. As a result, we ended up spending valentines day with each other, sharing how sad our love life is...

I still remember Chanyeol told us every valentines day that we're like a gross married couple... Are we?

Even if we are, it just proves how close of friends we are! I love you best friend! <3

Missing you more than the amount of stars in the galaxy Namjoon...


A/N: Namjoon rn: Friends....

*Namjoon has left the chat*

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