Chapter 14

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Thursday 18th January 1962

Military Hospital

Jackie was sitting in the waiting room with Jack. She’d had a biopsy on Monday and she was due to get the results.

George came into the room. “The doctor wants to see you now, Jackie.”

She nodded and stood up. She placed a quick kiss on Jack’s cheek before disappearing out of the room. Jack sat nervously for half an hour.

Jackie silently sat down in the office with George by her side. The surgeon, Dr. Welsh who had performed her operation was sitting at his desk. “Mrs. Kennedy.” He smiled. “How are you today?”

“I’m nervous.” She replied in a whisper.

He nodded. “There is no need to be nervous, I have the result of your biopsy and I’m pleased to say we managed to remove the tumor and the cancer.” He smiled.

Jackie stared at him as tears rushed into her eyes. “Thank you.”

After being given some leaflets on how to recover from cancer treatment she went back to Jack. He stood up immediately. “Well?”

“I’m cancer free.” She said as she rushed into his arms. Jack held her tightly before kissing her passionately. She blushed.

“Can we go home, Bunny?”

He nodded and they went back to Camp David. “Do you want to go on holiday or anything to help you recover?”

“I think I’d like to maybe just be close to you and the kids without having to be at the White House that would just stress me out more.”

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t worry about anything. Just take it easy.”

She smiled and leaned against him. She didn’t know how long the recovery would be.

The following month Jackie decided that she wanted the public to know what she had been through. She wasn’t quite strong enough to make a speech herself, so it fell to Jack.

Tuesday 27th February 1962

The Yellow Room

Jack sat nervously in his rocking chair. He was about to talk to the nation live about Jackie’s mysterious disappearance throughout last year. “You’re on, Sir.”

Jack nodded. “Good evening, my fellow citizens, I speak to you tonight more as a husband than President. Many have wondered where Mrs. Kennedy was last year but 1961 was a difficult year for Jacqueline and myself.”

He stopped to take a deep breath. “After arriving back from Europe in June, my wife was diagnosed with cancer. The last few months have been an incredibly rough time for her but after endless treatment she was given the all clear last month. It’s not known when she’ll be back in to daily life as recovery takes a long time. I know we kept it from the media but it was what Jacqueline wanted. I hope you will leave us alone during the next few months as it has been a difficult time. Thank you and goodnight.”

After the red light had switched off Jack eased himself up and went to tuck the children in. He was tired and he just wanted to check on Jackie.

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