Chapter 6

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The Oval Office

Jack had just finished a meeting with the National Security Council. He hadn’t slept well and was concerned about his wife’s sudden decision to leave. He sighed and chucked his glasses on the desk when Bobby came in. “You alright, Jack? You look like hell.”

“Well thanks for stating the obvious Robert.” Jack replied closing his eyes and massaging his head.

Bobby rolled his eyes and sat down, his eyes continued watching Jack. “So, what’s annoying you?”

Jack looked up and glared at him. “Nothing.”


“Fine… maybe it’s got something to do with the fact Jackie up sticks and left without any warning or indication why?”

Bobby raised an eyebrow. “Nothing to do with the fact you are a womanizer?”

Jack’s eyes narrowed. “No, read this.” He chucked the letter which was flavored of Chanel No. 5 at his brother.

Bobby was stunned as he read it. He knew what Jackie’s manor was like when she was angry and the letter certainly didn’t show any anger or annoyance. “Why don’t you phone her?” Bobby suggested.

“Oh great idea, Sherlock, maybe if I’d knew where she’d gone I would!”

Bobby sighed. “Don’t get ratty with me Jack, we’ll find her. She can’t have gone that far and why don’t you just do the simple thing?”

“And what would that be?”

“Ask Gerry where Clint Hill is, wherever he is, Jackie is.” Bobby smirked, looking like a genius.

“If you hadn’t just suggested that I’d be kicking your ass right out the door.” Jack replied picking up the phone.

Bobby smiled and watched as Jack made the call. He was confused as to why Jackie had taken off. Once Jack hung up, Bobby turned to face his brother. “Well?”

“She’s in Newport.” Jack said standing up. “But her parents are in Europe and Lee’s in London.”

“Maybe she just needed some time for herself. It can’t be easy for her being thrust into the spotlight and trying to raise two children.”

“I know… but she wasn’t feeling well during the trip to Europe…. It’s strange.” He said sitting down.

“Why don’t you phone her?” Bobby enquired.


Newport, RI


Jackie had to just woken up after three hours of sleep. Her head hurt and she felt weak and could hardly move. She spotted George sitting watching her. “How do you feel, Jackie?”

“Tired and very sore.”

He nodded and helped her sit up. “Why don’t you phone the President and let him know you’ve had your first session?”

She looked up and met his eyes. “Jack’s a very busy man…. I’ll do it later when he won’t be in the Oval. It’ll just annoy him if I phone just now.” She said in her breathy voice.

George gently took her hand. “He does know… doesn’t he? About the cancer?”

Tears welled in Jackie’s eyes and she nodded. “Of course he does, he’s my husband.” She didn’t want to confront him with her fears that it would just send him back into his womanizing ways and that she’d be left to face this alone, especially after how he’d treated her in Europe when she felt awful.

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