"How would you even know?" Carter continued insistently. "I'm-I'm so big. I'm the biggest!"

Rannia laughed. "He's at least a third taller than you, why are you so upset about thi-"

"I'm not."

"Okay then."

"I'm not. You've seen me. I-I have some length, at least? Right? Maybe I'm a little thicker than aver-"

Rannia's eyes almost bulged out. He wasn't- he wasn't referring to their fucking-

"Hey isn't that your brother over there?"

"What?" Carter halted in his rant and looked over to where Rannia was pointing. Conveniently—incredibly conveniently, Mykel was visible walking down the street not far from them. He was glancing down at his phone in his palm, face drawn grumpily. He stalked down the sidewalk, head above most the other's. She hadn't really noticed how tall he was until then.

"Let's wave him over," Rannia suggested, desperate to turn the conversation away from where it had been before, anywhere but from where it had been before.

Rannia felt like smashing her face into a wall when she raised a hand to catch Mykel's attention, caught his attention, and made him stop in his tracks. He didn't really seem to care about the passing people all around him; those struggling to keep the traffic flow going with a large man standing in the middle of the sidewalk. He fixed his gaze on her, lifted his arm, and crooked a finger for her to come to him.

Her lips curled and she shook her head, instead grabbing onto Carter's hand. She swiftly began to lead the boy in the opposite direction of Mykel.

"But I thought-" Carter began, confused.

"If he wants to be a bitch, he can be a bitch," Rannia replied with a smile on her face. Her hand only tightened around Carter's as the boy hesitated. He got the message and started jog-walking down the street to keep up with Rannia's brisk pace.

"Now that we know that he's indeed alive, we can go," Rannia continued to speak. Carter's breath was becoming a little more strained as she forced him to conduct the first bit of exercise the poor boy had probably done in a while.

"Don't we need to go back home?"

Rannia almost hesitated. Her jaw ticked but she ignored his words, knowing he was right. "We can have a day out, yeah? He trapped us in that goddamn apartment, Carter."

"It was a nice suite," Carter replied breathlessly, syllables caught between struggling breaths.

Rannia resisted an eye roll. She was supposed to have killed the Amirs by now, wasn't she? But the plan was complicated, and it was getting more complicated by the day. She needed to bring Mr. Amir to her father, and she needed the rest to be dealt with orderly.

It was stressing her the fuck out.

"We can head to the museum or something today," she offered.

"Like a date?"

She had to suppress a snicker. "Yes, Carter."

"I need to pee."

Rannia's eyes darted around the street they were now on. She spotted a Mc. Dicks not far off. "You can pee there." She pointed. Carter agreed, so they jay-walked the street—after many complaints from Carter about bylaw or something—and headed into the Mc. Dicks, sweaty and out of breath.

"Go to the washrooms. I'm pretend to order something," Rannia whispered, ushering the boy to one of the back rooms. Before he could protest about morals, or something, she'd shoved him into one of the washrooms and ordered that he lock the door behind himself.

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