Killian quickly shoved Emma behind him, not meaning to be rough, "Don't take another step near her." He threatened as he raised his sword, "We're not here to play any games."

    Emma was surprised when she saw many of the crew members return to their captain, raising their swords to protect her... Maybe they didn't hate her as much as she thought... "I'm sure your parents would be very disappointed in you." King George said to her, "Hiding behind a bunch of pirates."

    She managed to push her way past Killian, "I can take care of myself." She stated, standing tall, "You on the other hand should be frightened."

    The king noticed the captain's body tense up as Emma spoke to him. It was clear this pirate was scared but tried to compose it. "I'd take a look at your captain first." He responded, "The most fearful pirate in all realms is scared to lose a girl." He laughed out.

    "Women." Emma corrected, "And he doesn't fear you."

    Killian clenched his jaw. It was true he was scared of losing Emma. Not a day went by where he didn't fear that, but right now he was mortified that he couldn't protect the only person he loved and it ate away at him. "We're just here to gather some supplies and be on our way, your highness." He said calmly, pulling Emma back.

    "What, no fight?" The King of Mal mocked, "No threats? No witty remarks?" He asked pacing back and forth, "You have gone soft. Your brother would be so disappointed... What was his name again?"

    And that struck a nerve. Everything in Killian screamed to kill the man. To run him through, to let this man bleed out in front of all his people... but he bit his tongue hard as his body shook with rage. He knew this man's game. King George was a man who sought opportunity. He wanted Killian to initiate a fight, he wanted Killian to throw the first swing. He wanted Killian to be distracted. But the captain knew better, and in any other given situation, he would've swung not caring if it led to his death. But right now he had Emma to think about. He didn't want to get distracted and lose her in the mix nor allow someone to snatch her away. Sure, she could take care of herself, but the only way to defeat anyone in this kingdom would be to kill them and she just didn't have that in her. "We've come to be civil and be out of your way by nightfall." Killian responded a little harsher as his body shook with rage.

    Oddly the sentence didn't phase the king. It was almost as if he was expecting it, "Princess Emma, I heard you've become quite skilled with magic." King George commented, directing the attention back onto her.

    "Indeed, so don't try to do anything funny." She responded with a straight face.

    "Oh no no." The king agreed, "I have a favor to ask instead."

    Killian put an arm out in front of Emma, "She's not assisting you in anything."

    "I'm afraid that's up to the girl." The hierarchy declared as he pointing to the princess, "I have a young boy who is hurt and in pain. He could use some magic to help speed up the healing process."

    Confusion ran across Emma's face, "Your people have magic here, I can sense it."

    "Then you know it's dark magic." King George responded a bit too quick, "Elsa might not have told you this, but only light magic can save someone."

    A bold-faced lie and she knew it deep down, but the thought of a child in pain and dying clouded her judgment too much and sadly Killian didn't know enough about magic to interject. "Alright, but only to help the boy." She agreed.

    "Emma." Killian called out as she began to walk away, "Don't trust him."

    The princess turned to see fear brewing in his ocean eyes. He rarely used her formal name, only whenever he was serious about something would he call her by her given name. She knew it was probably best to stay by her captain, her protector, but the thought of a child in pain hurt more. Especially when she could help. She never liked seeing someone in pain, let alone a child. Her thoughts often went to Henry. Such a sweet boy. She could never imagine him and pain so she had to do this. Even more so she knew her parents would want her to do this. They sent her to Arendelle to learn about her magic so she could control it and make good use of it. What better use than to save a boy? She was raised to help everyone she could and it was the one thing she was certain she could do. "Trust me." She pleaded.

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