chapter three

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I was sleeping when the soft touch of a hand touched several strands of my hair, by my own thought I decided to open my eyes and get up briefly from my bed to find a pleasant surprise.

—James!—I exclaimed in a tone of joy. -What are you doing here?—  I asked as he threw me at his chest wrapping him with my arms forming a warm hug.

—What else do you think I'm doing? I came to see the birthday girl. —he added releasing the hug and leaving so that we could see each other's eyes

—If my mother sees you here she will kill you, how did you get in?-— I asked but with a gentle tilt of his head he pointed to the large balcony that lay in my room thus clarifying that there he had carried out his entrance to the site.

–Bribe 3 of your maids who agreed without question to let me pass without them realizing it.— he said casually and adding a smile like a child who has just committed a mischief.

—You are a insane, and the only insane in this room tells you, that leaves a lot to say.— I joked as I settled into bed and made my cheeks get somewhat heated when I remembered that I was completely in my underwear. Although it was not the only time he had seen me like this, it still caused me a bit of shame.

—Well, whatever you want, but at least I'm a madman who dresses well, Mar you look gross.— He confessed in a mocking tone that didn't help the crimson color of my cheeks to improve.

—You are the one who looks totally gross!—  I whispered in a tone of contempt since I could not yell at him or we would be the main appetizer on the menu tonight. I rolled my eyes and got ready to get up and look for something to wear but when he noticed my intention, he grabbed my wrist in a flash and forced me to stay where I was.

—Wait!— he ordered. —I have something for you.— He checked something inside a vest pocket and he took out a small blue box from it. —Whenever you were in the palace and we played in Rosa's library, you said you liked the locket that she had on her desk, and well...— he paused to reveal the beautiful object in her hands.

It was a silver chain that in the center let a beautiful pearl with the same silver lace dazzle, and I recognized it the moment I saw it since since I was a girl one of my first visions had said relic as the protagonist

—James is beautiful, I don't know how to thank you.— I said unheard of, I smiled like a fool and asked him to help me place it.

-You should not thank me, this is yours and now we will have the same necklaces —he smiled back showing an object similar to mine that seemed to be the couple. —Done. It looks beautiful on you.— We both blushed to be silent for a few seconds and then spoke in whispers for about 10 minutes until we heard a light knock on the door of my room indicating that we already had to say goodbye.

—I ..-He spoke but a strong headache hit me like a professional boxer's fist causing me to let out a groan that I had to suppress so that the maid who was knocking on the door did not enter.

—Are you okay?— The blonde boy asked with a worried tone. —Is a vision?—

—Miss Mar, are you okay? — I recognized the girl's voice, she was one of the youngest and with whom I got along the best.

—Yes, I'm fine.—I lied. the pain increased and my ears were filled with the sound of a kettle grinding causing them to start to bleed a bit.

Yes, this was something that probably for someone who does not know me seems the strangest thing in the world, but it is something that happened to me every time I had a vision, it was a sudden and involuntary effort and as you know, my visions were in specific days and one of those days was on my birthday ... what a joy right? 《note the sarcasm》

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